ADA Takes Dual Approach to TEDBF: STOBAR Variant for Current Carriers and CATOBAR Variant for Future Carrier

ADA Takes Dual Approach to TEDBF: STOBAR Variant for Current Carriers and CATOBAR Variant for Future Carrier

The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) is spearheading a two-track development strategy for the Twin Engine Deck Based Fighter (TEDBF), designed to address the immediate and future needs of the Indian Navy.

This innovative approach aims to bolster the nation's naval aviation capabilities by simultaneously developing variants compatible with both existing and upcoming aircraft carriers.

STOBAR Variant for Current Carriers​

In the short term, the TEDBF program will prioritize the development of a Short TakeOff But Arrested Landing (STOBAR) variant.

The STOBAR variant will utilize a ski-jump ramp for takeoff and arresting gear for landing, ensuring seamless integration with the existing carrier infrastructure, INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant.

CATOBAR Variant for Future Carrier​

Looking towards the future, the Indian Navy envisions the IAC-III aircraft carrier, also known as INS Vishal, as a 65,000-ton CATOBAR (Catapult Assisted TakeOff But Arrested Landing) carrier. To fully leverage the capabilities of this advanced platform, the ADA is concurrently developing a CATOBAR variant of the TEDBF.

The CATOBAR system utilizes a catapult to launch aircraft, enabling them to carry heavier payloads of weapons and fuel. This translates to a significant increase in operational range, flexibility, and overall strike power for the TEDBF when deployed on the future IAC-III.

Smooth Transition to Advanced Technology​

The dual development of STOBAR and CATOBAR variants is a strategic move that ensures a smooth transition for the Indian Navy as it adopts the more advanced CATOBAR technology.

Pilots can gain experience and operational proficiency with the STOBAR variant on current carriers while the CATOBAR variant is being finalized for deployment on IAC-III.

This two-pronged approach is a testament to India's commitment to modernizing its naval aviation capabilities. The development of the TEDBF, with its two variants, is a significant step towards enhancing the Indian Navy's maritime power projection and safeguarding the nation's interests in the Indo-Pacific region.
Rafale is cheaper than Super Hornet 😂
Bro which type of pot are you smoking, please give it to me also !!
Along with that also provide me a single document where Rafale was declared the L1 bidder in the Naval MRFA competition.
Super cheap. L1. US was robbing us blind with outdated F18.
DPP was there during the 1st Rafale deal as well. Still G2G deal was done.
It's a seperate process altogether like emergency procurement.
Was there a competition where Navy gave 2 options to the government during that deal? Clearly you don’t even know what is a G2G deal. Read the DPP. Then talk.
Was there a competition where Navy gave 2 options to the government during that deal? Clearly you don’t even know what is a G2G deal. Read the DPP. Then talk.
Stop wasting your time 🤦
Yes, the navy evaluated both the aircrafts and said that both met their requirements. Then they passed on the evaluation data to the MoD to take the final call.
The previous page on which you were talking with me [Indian Navy Nears Completion of Report on French Rafale-Marine Fighter Jet Bid] clearly mentions that it will be a G2G deal.
Total 28 Air assets is the capacity of Vikramaditya, Vikrant might be 2-3 more,
Incorrect. Vikramaditya's maximum capacity is 36, with Vikrant having the same capacity as well.

The main difference here is that Vikrant has a greater degree if flexibility in the make-up of those 36 aircraft, while Vikramaditya is more restricted to a maximum of 26 aircraft + 10 helicopters. This is because of the fact that Vikramaditya's hangar is slightly more congested because of her mid-deck lifts as opposed to Vikrant's deck-edge lifts. Hence, even while Vikramaditya's hangar is marginally larger overall, space is a tad more constrained.
All are in paper dreams, where is funding ..?
India is in snail pace and China modernization is on hypersonic speed.
Stop wasting your time 🤦
Yes, the navy evaluated both the aircrafts and said that both met their requirements. Then they passed on the evaluation data to the MoD to take the final call.
The previous page on which you were talking with me [Indian Navy Nears Completion of Report on French Rafale-Marine Fighter Jet Bid] clearly mentions that it will be a G2G deal.
Have you read DPP? Answer in yes or no instead of wasting my time. Jitni bakwas kar raha hai sabka answer DPP mai hai. But no. Hume padhna to hai nahi. Hume to faltu Neha’s karni hai just to defame our armed forces and defend US. Bhai go and read DPP and come back.
Rafale is cheaper than Super Hornet 😂
Bro which type of pot are you smoking, please give it to me also !!
Along with that also provide me a single document where Rafale was declared the L1 bidder in the Naval MRFA competition.
I have already provided you the document. DPP 2020. It clearly states that only L1 can be purchased. No one has any power to buy anything else. Dassault’s official statement says that it won a global competition with more than one challenger. Navy chief has said that he forwarded 2 names. So it’s clear as daylight and only a biased idiot would think that Rafale was chosen arbitrarily.

Rafale is cheaper than the super duper expensive F18. Proven officially now.
Making only 56 TEDBF may not be economically viable ADA+HAL must make airforce version ORCA also and it can be used as test bed for future Kaveri engines !
Have you read DPP? Answer in yes or no instead of wasting my time. Jitni bakwas kar raha hai sabka answer DPP mai hai. But no. Hume padhna to hai nahi. Hume to faltu Neha’s karni hai just to defame our armed forces and defend US. Bhai go and read DPP and come back.
💛de there are multiple DAP ammendments. Give me the one exactly before the issuance of the Naval MRFA competition.
Also provide the document where it was stated by Indian Navy that the Naval MRFA will follow that procedure only.
💛de there are multiple DAP ammendments. Give me the one exactly before the issuance of the Naval MRFA competition.
Also provide the document where it was stated by Indian Navy that the Naval MRFA will follow that procedure only.
I have mentioned it multiple times and sent the exact one as well. DAP 2020. DAP 2016 also has the same explanations and provisions regarding what we are talking about. Go and read our chat. I have mentioned it at least 5 times before shortening it.

That document is to be followed in ALL circumstances, except when specifically mentioned otherwise. So you show me the document where it says that Navy is diverging from it if you claim so.
I have already provided you the document. DPP 2020. It clearly states that only L1 can be purchased. No one has any power to buy anything else. Dassault’s official statement says that it won a global competition with more than one challenger. Navy chief has said that he forwarded 2 names. So it’s clear as daylight and only a biased idiot would think that Rafale was chosen arbitrarily.

Rafale is cheaper than the super duper expensive F18. Proven officially now.
Ofcourse they won a global completion, nobody is denying. Also nobody said that the Rafale was chosen arbitrarily.
But it was rather on the basis of the evaluation files than the L1 process. The previous article which I mentioned clearly said it was a G2G deal, but not a single word uttered on that.
I have mentioned it multiple times and sent the exact one as well. DAP 2020. DAP 2016 also has the same explanations and provisions regarding what we are talking about. Go and read our chat. I have mentioned it at least 5 times before shortening it.

That document is to be followed in ALL circumstances, except when specifically mentioned otherwise. So you show me the document where it says that Navy is diverging from it if you claim so.
That's what I'm saying, that they're multiple amendments to the DAP 2020. Cite the right one before replying next time.
You are the only crack here claiming this BS that the Rafale was chosen on the basis of L1. So ofcourse the onus of proof falls on you.
That's what I'm saying, that they're multiple amendments to the DAP 2020. Cite the right one before replying next time.
You are the only crack here claiming this BS that the Rafale was chosen on the basis of L1. So ofcourse the onus of proof falls on you.
Read the original. The part regarding this procedure has not been amended

So proof is needed to show that the procedure mentioned by MoD has been followed but not to show that the entire GoI neglected the laid down policy and followed their own whims and fancies? Nice try,
Ofcourse they won a global completion, nobody is denying. Also nobody said that the Rafale was chosen arbitrarily.
But it was rather on the basis of the evaluation files than the L1 process. The previous article which I mentioned clearly said it was a G2G deal, but not a single word uttered on that.
I am not saying that article is wrong. I don’t have to utter anything on it because once you read the DPP, you would know that what I am saying is not in contradiction with that article. You simply don’t understand how the process works and are thus climbing on to it due to your half baked knowledge. Read the DPP, the original 2020 version, and you will find out the truth.

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