Archer-NG Faces Funding Hurdle: Tapas UAV's Performance Holds Key to India's MALE UAV Ambitions


India's ambitious Archer-NG MALE UAV project has hit a roadblock with funding delays, almost two years after its unveiling by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE).

Envisioned as an armed drone with a 300 kg payload capacity, Archer-NG was to be a significant upgrade, sharing equipment with the Tapas UAV but sporting a distinct Single Engine Twin Boom design.

The ADE was ready to secure new funds to kickstart the procurement of critical components for the Archer-NG. However, this process has been interrupted due to a program review prompted by the Tapas UAV's performance issues, particularly its inability to meet the Indian Armed Forces' endurance and cruising altitude requirements.

Sources indicate that while the Archer-NG's design is complete, its advancement is contingent upon fresh funding. This funding approval, in turn, appears to be linked to the success of the ongoing modifications to the Tapas UAV aimed at enhancing its drag and weight characteristics to achieve the desired operational capabilities.

The situation suggests that the Archer-NG's fate is closely tied to the Tapas program's ability to demonstrate improvements. If the Tapas manages to achieve the necessary enhancements, it could unlock funding for the Archer-NG, enabling the tendering process to proceed.
Failure of project is OK. Many american military projects are scrapped. Very recently latest abrams tank upgrade was scrapped. The FARA helicopter program of US army got scrapped after spending 2.4billion USD.

just because a project failed does not mean that should affect other important projects. Govt should understand this
The government has made a wise decision and cannot give taxpayers blank checks to DRDO and HAL. Complete the projects or face extinction. There are N number of private players who can take on these challenges
This is the problem.Army should place firm orders with specifications.A private firm will put resources and drdo will do the development.
this model will only work like light tank.
else every product will get stuck.
services need to give confirmed orders
Failure of project is OK. Many american military projects are scrapped. Very recently latest abrams tank upgrade was scrapped. The FARA helicopter program of US army got scrapped after spending 2.4billion USD.

just because a project failed does not mean that should affect other important projects. Govt should understand this
That is true,but American failures are mainly to do with something really innovative and pushing the boundaries when it comes to capability,Indian ones on the other hand have most to do with basic capability which even much smaller nations have developed and deployed.
Besides,the US being a developed country with boatloads of monies can always throw money at problems and go ahead with what sticks in the end,India does not have that luxury.
The most problematic issue with Indian projects is that they fail repeatedly over a long timeframe with small margins due to absence of private sector input which can be valuable in those instances like Tapas/Archer etc especially due to their project management skills.
Another major issue being even though some projects come to fruition post multiple delays and cost overruns,they are unable to produce the selected product in quantity due to limited capacity in PSUs like HAL etc.
So,good participation of the private sector from an early stage alongside guarantees for long term contracts will be very helpful for the Indian defence sector.
Why funding shortfalls?

When India is willing to spend $3.9 billions for 30 MQ-9Bs, then why it have funding shortfalls for a truly important domestic attack drone?

All this mess is because IA, IN and IAF did not co-opt Drones and many other weapons and were only interested in foreign maal.
That is true,but American failures are mainly to do with something really innovative and pushing the boundaries when it comes to capability,Indian ones on the other hand have most to do with basic capability which even much smaller nations have developed and deployed.
Besides,the US being a developed country with boatloads of monies can always throw money at problems and go ahead with what sticks in the end,India does not have that luxury.
The most problematic issue with Indian projects is that they fail repeatedly over a long timeframe with small margins due to absence of private sector input which can be valuable in those instances like Tapas/Archer etc especially due to their project management skills.
Another major issue being even though some projects come to fruition post multiple delays and cost overruns,they are unable to produce the selected product in quantity due to limited capacity in PSUs like HAL etc.
So,good participation of the private sector from an early stage alongside guarantees for long term contracts will be very helpful for the Indian defence sector.
you are right. America has multiple projects going on at same time, and most of them fail. But Indian projects fail because of lack of money. You compare the amount of money china spent of developing its jet engine and how much india spent on kaveri, china spent over 10times more.

India is trying to compete with america and china with a tiny fraction of he budget. Most of India's defence budget goes into paying salaries and pensions, that is not the case in America or china. The main problem is lack of funds, otherwise, our scientists are the best in the world.
As far as one knows TAPAS has been ditched in mission mode. So how come archer funding depends on upgradation of TAPAS aka rustom2 under development for 2 decades?
How much it will take to fund UAV. This is ridiculous.
Indian army need to change their mindset for imported items. However to be fair to them, they should be made stakeholders in such projects from Day 1.
Shame.What they did with funds already sanctioned ? Was it worthwhile.How turkey is turning out modern armaments. They have less politics & more technology
America has a specific law mandating if any DOD project costs exceeds certain cost and timelines they automatically reviewed by senate/congress committee and they mostly close the project but within the program US companies have developed significant capabilities which they use in another program. If we this in this context, what MOD should do is :
1. TAPAS: Either scrap the program and start a new one or push aggressively for modifications to achieve minimum QR by armed forces, but in both cases govt must seek accountability.
2. Archer: Start the program with DRDO and private consortium as development + production partner from beginning to secure much needed PM skills.
Either way we always need a MALE program that always aims for higher capabilities.
What tapas needs is turboprop engine. 30000ft with usefull load in Indian condition can only be done with change of engines. This is HALE category.
TAPAS has already been ordered. It is working. Its improvements will be after experience is gained by the armed forces. Archer-NG development need to be speeded up if major issues are found in TAPAS. Both are Indian made hence encourage Indian project.
The only reason why they might delay this project is because DRDO and government might not be able to develop it within time and according to the technology and performance requirements.

Another reason might be because they are reforming, restructuring, reorganising and overhauling DRDO so they might be waiting until that process is completed before they decide on what gets funded or not along with who is in charge of it.

Another reason is that despite using a lot of money the TAPAS drone failed to meet the high altitude requirements. Somebody has to be held accountable for this failure.

There was talk that they have reduced the weight and drag on the TAPAS drone and go for trials and tests again.

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