ARDE and SSS Defence Join Forces to Apply CERAKOTE Technology on Small Arms, Boosting Durability and Performance


In a significant step towards strengthening India's defense capabilities, the Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE), a crucial laboratory within the DRDO, has partnered with Bengaluru-based SSS Defence.

The collaboration aims to develop and integrate CERAKOTE coating technology, a high-performance ceramic-based solution, into key components of small arms such as barrels, bolts, and receivers.

CERAKOTE, renowned for its exceptional durability and resistance to wear, corrosion, and chemicals, offers a protective layer that significantly extends the lifespan of firearm components, particularly in challenging environments.

The technology not only enhances the functionality and reliability of weapons but also offers aesthetic advantages through customizable colors and patterns, enabling camouflage and easier maintenance.

This collaboration with SSS Defence, a certified CERAKOTE applicator and leading player in India's defence industry, signifies a crucial step in modernizing India's defense sector.

SSS Defence will design and establish a dedicated processing facility for CERAKOTE application, underscoring the commitment to indigenous development and the "Make in India" initiative.

The project involves the delivery of 200 CERAKOTE-coated components for rigorous testing and evaluation, ensuring compliance with stringent specifications including hardness, thermal properties, corrosion resistance, thickness, and adhesion.

The successful integration of CERAKOTE technology will not only enhance the performance of existing small arms but also set new benchmarks for durability in future defense projects.

Beyond its protective qualities, CERAKOTE contributes to stealth operations with its matte finishes that reduce surface reflection and minimize infrared signatures, making firearms and equipment less detectable under night vision devices and thermal imaging systems. This technology empowers military and tactical personnel to maintain a low profile during critical missions.

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