Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a leading Indian defence electronics company, has announced new contract wins amounting to Rs. 531 crore. This follows a previous disclosure on January 13th, further boosting BEL's total order book for the current financial year to Rs. 10,893 crore.
These orders span various defence and civilian sectors, highlighting BEL's diverse capabilities and its contribution to "Aatmanirbhar Bharat" (Self-Reliant India).
The latest contracts include a sophisticated Advanced Composite Communication System for ships, designed to enhance real-time data exchange and situational awareness for naval operations.
BEL will also supply Communication Equipment to improve connectivity and operational efficiency across defence and strategic installations. Further demonstrating its versatility, BEL has secured orders for Medical Electronics, showcasing the company's expansion into critical medical technology.
In the defence domain, BEL will provide Electro-Optics (EO) Systems for surveillance, targeting, and reconnaissance applications, as well as Active Radar Homing Heads for missiles to enhance targeting accuracy.
The company will also provide Spares and Services, ensuring the continued operational readiness of previously deployed BEL systems.
These recent wins underscore BEL's commitment to providing cutting-edge, indigenously developed technology to the Indian Armed Forces and other key sectors. BEL's expertise in multiple domains, including radars, missile systems, military communications, naval systems, electronic warfare, and avionics, positions it as a vital contributor to India's growing defence capabilities.
The Government of India held a 51.14% stake in BEL.