CATS-Warriors: India's Wingman Drones Poised to Reshape Aerial Combat

CATS-Warriors: India's Wingman Drones Poised to Reshape Aerial Combat

The Indian Air Force (IAF) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) are joining forces to develop the CATS-Warriors, a groundbreaking unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV). This ambitious project aims to redefine aerial warfare strategies by employing low-cost, highly capable "loyal wingman" drones.

A Glimpse into the Future​

The CATS-Warriors project, initiated in 2019 with a proof-of-concept prototype, has now matured into a formidable reality. These 1.6-tonne UCAVs possess stealth features, enabling them to operate covertly at high altitudes (36,000-40,000 feet).

Remarkably, the estimated unit cost is a mere ₹50 crore (approximately $6.7 million), a fraction of the cost of traditional fighter jets.

Stealth and Altitude Advantage​

The design of the CATS-Warriors prioritizes low observability, allowing them to penetrate enemy airspace undetected. Their operational altitude of 36,000-40,000 feet further enhances their ability to strike targets while minimizing the risk to pilots.

Cost-Effective Force Multiplier​

Costing roughly 13% of a Tejas Mk1A fighter jet (₹378 crore), CATS-Warriors offer a significant cost advantage. This affordability allows the IAF to deploy them on high-risk missions where the potential for loss is substantial, preserving more expensive manned fighter jets and, most importantly, the lives of pilots.

Lethality and Capability​

Despite their cost-effectiveness, the CATS-Warriors are not to be underestimated. They come equipped with an internal weapons bay, capable of carrying and deploying missiles and other munitions against enemy targets, including those protected by air defense systems.

The inclusion of a PTAE-W engine and an AESA radar ensures optimal performance and situational awareness.

Prioritizing Pilot Safety​

The IAF understands the irreplaceable value of human pilots. The CATS-Warriors program prioritizes their safety by deploying these drones on high-risk missions. This strategic move not only saves lives but also conserves valuable fighter jets for critical operations.

A New Era of Unmanned Combat​

The CATS-Warriors project represents a significant advancement in unmanned aerial combat technology. Its affordability, lethality, and focus on pilot safety are poised to revolutionize the IAF's capabilities.

While navigating heavily contested airspace might still require human intervention, the CATS-Warriors pave the way for a future where loyal wingman drones become a cornerstone of airpower strategies.

Open-Source Insights (Additional Information)​

  • HAL Combat Air Teaming System (CATS): The CATS-Warriors is part of HAL's broader CATS program, aimed at developing a family of unmanned aerial vehicles for various roles.
  • Potential for Naval Variant: A smaller version of the CATS-Warriors is reportedly being considered for use by the Indian Navy.
  • International Interest: The CATS-Warriors program has attracted global attention, with militaries worldwide closely monitoring its progress.

The Future of Airpower​

The CATS-Warriors program represents a paradigm shift in aerial warfare. By leveraging affordability and expendability, India is developing a force multiplier that can significantly enhance its airpower capabilities.

This program is undoubtedly a game-changer, and its impact on the future of aerial combat is likely to be profound.
Looks very beautiful, waiting to see it fly like XQ-58A or OKhotnic-B, all beautiful pictures in ADA/DRDO labs will one day be a game changer if they at-least fly, what is the urgent need of this project when AMCA is still a picture on a paper, are we going to use CATS Warrior with Tejas Mk1, projects in ADA/DRDO are not prioritized properly in an order based on immediate requirement and importance as to which is first and which is last, it is very unprofessional and a chaos..
Looks very beautiful, waiting to see it fly like XQ-58A or OKhotnic-B, all beautiful pictures in ADA/DRDO labs will one day be a game changer if they at-least fly, what is the urgent need of this project when AMCA is still a picture on a paper, are we going to use CATS Warrior with Tejas Mk1, projects in ADA/DRDO are not prioritized properly in an order based on immediate requirement and importance as to which is first and which is last, it is very unprofessional and a chaos..
Ok hot nik isn't loyal wingman but rather a full fleged stealth drone bomber .
Rustam or Tapas UAV is almost equal to other piston engine power UAV. With all payload it gives 18 Hours fly time with 28K feet altitude... Tell me which UAV gives this in Indian conditions
It doesn’t fly consistently and keeps crashing, , even after 34 years since the beginning of this project, even tiny nations the size of small town in India with thousands of sanctions are excelling in this tech, it is really a shame considering the size of the Country and quantity of Scientists and engineers.
All drones are cheaper than fighter jets as the small size and lower need for advanced technology will reduce it even further. This drone can be a major benefit as it can increase our fire power, take high risk missions, has a lower purchase price and low operating costs.

This drone can be a stealth drone by inserting 1-2 weapons inside its body or a normal drone that can carry 2-6 under the wing and body. The main problem in using this drone along with our jets is that it will require at least two pilots with one pilot flying the jet and the other flying the drone so we can only use these effectively with two seater jets like the Sukhoi or trainer jets. We can't use the Wingman from a ground control station because it wouldn't be effective and fly according to the jet and it's tactics, manoeuvre, speed and combat capabilities etc but we need a lot of these drones which can be manufactured quickly and cheaply.
It doesn’t fly consistently and keeps crashing, , even after 34 years since the beginning of this project, even tiny nations the size of small town in India with thousands of sanctions are excelling in this tech, it is really a shame considering the size of the Country and quantity of Scientists and engineers.
It has bettered performance of isreali Hermes uav under indian conditions.
Change to small side intakes for better engine efficiency.. Or else, make the top side air intake wider just like USA drones...
Ha Ha Very Funny Joke
Just check the you tube video: new benchmark for Indian Male drones under alpha defence. Then maybe u will understand the joke when it boomerangs and it shows who the real joker is.
It doesn’t fly consistently and keeps crashing, , even after 34 years since the beginning of this project, even tiny nations the size of small town in India with thousands of sanctions are excelling in this tech, it is really a shame considering the size of the Country and quantity of Scientists and engineers.
For knowledge of all, pls Mention a drone which has never crashed.
Rustam or Tapas UAV is almost equal to other piston engine power UAV. With all payload it gives 18 Hours fly time with 28K feet altitude... Tell me which UAV gives this in Indian conditions
Has it been proven by user trials or these are developer’s fake numbers?
Just check the you tube video: new benchmark for Indian Male drones under alpha defence. Then maybe u will understand the joke when it boomerangs and it shows who the real joker is.
Hermes is battle proven dude.... Pissant DRDO Does Not know how to make solidly reliable armed drones...
Hermes is battle proven dude.... Pissant DRDO Does Not know how to make solidly reliable armed drones...
But Hermes failed to meet our armed forces requirement, isn't it.
And what sort of argument is this about battle proven. We start a war to prove it in battlefield like the American MIC does. What sort of sick mindset is this. And isreali UAVs have not crashed. Keep ur DRDO hate mindset to yourself, because when facts are presented to guys like u, the only way u can do a face saving exit is by relying on the battle proven experience. U are the same guys who refuse to belive that f16 was shot down by mig21 during the balakot event.
All drones are cheaper than fighter jets as the small size and lower need for advanced technology will reduce it even further. This drone can be a major benefit as it can increase our fire power, take high risk missions, has a lower purchase price and low operating costs.

This drone can be a stealth drone by inserting 1-2 weapons inside its body or a normal drone that can carry 2-6 under the wing and body. The main problem in using this drone along with our jets is that it will require at least two pilots with one pilot flying the jet and the other flying the drone so we can only use these effectively with two seater jets like the Sukhoi or trainer jets. We can't use the Wingman from a ground control station because it wouldn't be effective and fly according to the jet and it's tactics, manoeuvre, speed and combat capabilities etc but we need a lot of these drones which can be manufactured quickly and cheaply.
CATS is an EXCELLENT concept proposed to HAL by an Indian immigrant Scientist in USA working on DARPA programs. He came back to India and started a start-up New Age Aviation or something their name...??
CATS is an EXCELLENT concept proposed to HAL by an Indian immigrant Scientist in USA working on DARPA programs. He came back to India and started a start-up New Age Aviation or something their name...??
It is a very good concept if it’s designed and operated properly. I’m simply stating the benefits and negative impact these drones can have along with its capabilities. We can develop it as a stealth drone or as a normal armed drone but it would be better if it’s a stealth drone and we can always develop both types.

Drones are much slower than fighter jets so in combat it can be easy to shoot it down unless we kill the foreign jet. Also to be deployed as a wingman you need two pilots with one controlling the jet and another controlling the drone as one pilot can’t do both in an aerial battle. So we can use these drones with our Sukhoi jets as they have two pilots so we can use it with them but not with any other jets. So a pilot has to control the drone in the sky as he can follow the jets tactics, manoeuvres, incoming threats from missiles etc. So it’s great to use it because it increases our fire power across both borders but it’s not clear if it can fire air to air missiles or air to surface missiles or bombs. Developing a drone to hit air to air jets is difficult as you need a radar, drone computer, software etc and a lot more.

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