China Downplays India's MIRV Test Success, Acknowledges Technical Leap

China Downplays India's MIRV Test Success, Acknowledges Technical Leap

BEIJING (March 14, 2024) – China has responded to India's successful Agni-V missile test, equipped with Multiple Independently Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology. While downplaying the immediate threat, Chinese state-run media and experts acknowledge India's significant technological progress.

Liu Zongyi, director of the Center for South Asia Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, maintains that China remains unconcerned. He asserts that India's overall military strength still lags behind China's, downplaying the immediate impact of the test on the regional power balance.

However, the Global Times, China's state-run media, concedes India's growing prowess in ballistic missile technology. An anonymous Beijing-based military expert recognizes India's ability to launch multiple satellites with a single rocket, highlighting this advancement as the cornerstone of developing MIRV systems. The expert stresses that India's progress should not be completely overlooked.

This measured response represents China's calculated approach. It attempts to diminish any perception of immediate strategic vulnerability while subtly acknowledging India's increasing technological sophistication.

India's advancement in MIRV technology marks a significant milestone in its defense capabilities. With MIRVs, a single missile can deliver multiple warheads to different targets, potentially altering the strategic dynamics within the region. While China downplays the immediate threat, this development underscores India's determination to bolster its military might.
Yes Chinese 14 vs our 3 MIRV warheads, they will say this, we need to increase the warheads to 14-16 or even more, we have already separated 104 satellites in one go using PSLV rocket, the technology used is same MIRV tech, so we already have this technology.
Yes Chinese 14 vs our 3 MIRV warheads, they will say this, we need to increase the warheads to 14-16 or even more, we have already separated 104 satellites in one go using PSLV rocket, the technology used is same MIRV tech, so we already have this technology.
So what if they have more warheads. That does not change the fact that a nuclear confrontation between india and china will kill 10s of millions on both sides and both will lose.

The capability of a country like usa, when it comes to intercepting ICBMs is questionable. They have conducted tests which fail half the time. And number of interceptors is very limited as compared to number of ICBMs.
Lets hope we never have to use it and neither does china. Main role of ICBM should be deterrance.
So what if they have more warheads. That does not change the fact that a nuclear confrontation between india and china will kill 10s of millions on both sides and both will lose.
Nobody revealed how many warheads used in the latest test. Some says, it can hold 5-10 war heads with less payloads and that is enough to smash most developed Chinese cities. If they are not concerned then why are snooping in IOC and actually they are shivering to counter India
In terms of nuclear forces as well India remains much behind China, until we have MIRV SLBM capability we should and can not test. We need 5,000 KM MIRV K5 SLBM which can strike China from Bay of Bengal. Since our submarines are noisy and don't have much acoustic stealth, it would need to be closer to Indian coastline where our coastal SMART anti submarine defences, P8I posiedon and corvettes could protect it from enemy submarines before launching.
Nobody revealed how many warheads used in the latest test. Some says, it can hold 5-10 war heads with less payloads and that is enough to smash most developed Chinese cities. If they are not concerned then why are snooping in IOC and actually they are shivering to counter India
If they are observing it doesn't mean they are scared. US observes Iran/North Korean capabilities but they are hardly scared of them. Until we have MIRV 5,000 KM SLBM K5 we cannot rest.
Nobody revealed how many warheads used in the latest test. Some says, it can hold 5-10 war heads with less payloads and that is enough to smash most developed Chinese cities. If they are not concerned then why are snooping in IOC and actually they are shivering to counter India
they said 3 Warheads.
India needs to develop SLBM similar to UGM-133 Trident II which has a operational range of 7600 km (full load) and 12000 km (Reduced load)
India needs to develop SLBM similar to UGM-133 Trident II which has a operational range of 7600 km (full load) and 12000 km (Reduced load)
Yes minuteman is good , we also need something like R-28 Samrat with 35,000 KM range with (FOBS) system - Fractional Orbital Bombardment System.
Yes Chinese 14 vs our 3 MIRV warheads, they will say this, we need to increase the warheads to 14-16 or even more, we have already separated 104 satellites in one go using PSLV rocket, the technology used is same MIRV tech, so we already have this technology.
It's an overkill & moreover with demographic decline cheenks will not have the stomach for a nuke war.
If they are observing it doesn't mean they are scared. US observes Iran/North Korean capabilities but they are hardly scared of them. Until we have MIRV 5,000 KM SLBM K5 we cannot rest.
Going by the history of the modern day PLA would go on the "scared" point. Cheenk soldiers are incompatible pampered/spoilt kids in military shoes due to their one child policy.
Yes Chinese 14 vs our 3 MIRV warheads
How did u come to the conclusion that it is 3 mirv warheads. It was speculated by media that it might be 2-10 warhead and possibly some could be dummy or even that too might be just speculations.

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