China's Overhyped 'Carrier Killer' DF-21D Can't Sink Indian Moving Aircraft Carrier in IOR


Recent claims suggest that China's DF-21D missiles are a serious threat to Indian aircraft carriers operating in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). However, a closer analysis reveals this threat may be overstated.

Targeting a moving aircraft carrier requires real-time, accurate data. While China has satellites, their data transmission is not instantaneous, and even with fast processing, there's a gap between data acquisition and relaying it to launch platforms. Additionally, satellite data itself has inherent errors in tracking targets and their own positions.

The use of drones or aircraft for real-time tracking is also limited. These platforms have constraints on speed, coverage area, and communication issues due to reliance on specific frequencies or satellite links. Moreover, this data can also be inaccurate.

Over-the-Horizon Targeting radars (OTH-B) are often cited as a solution, but their physics limit them. They operate at low frequencies with poor resolution and require constant updates to climatological models. Their primary purpose is ballistic missile and aircraft detection, not targeting warships at long ranges.

The DF-21D itself has limitations. Its operational window is narrow, requiring targeting updates during the initial 70-second boost phase before the missile's trajectory becomes unalterable. The mid-course phase offers no maneuvering capabilities.

Even if it re-enters the atmosphere, the DF-21D's terminal velocity (Mach 2) is no match for modern missile defence systems like MR-SRAM and the New Ship-Based BMD System, designed to intercept missiles traveling at much higher speeds (Mach 3-5).

An aircraft carrier, with its mobility, adds another layer of complexity. By the time the missile reaches its terminal phase, the carrier could be hundreds of meters away from its initial position, significantly reducing the chances of a successful hit.

There's also limited evidence of the DF-21D's effectiveness. Reported test launches in 2020 were allegedly unsuccessful, with one missile landing ashore. Targeting a static model on a railway track in a desert is a far cry from hitting a moving target on open seas.

While the DF-21D carries a potential threat, it's not an invincible "carrier killer." The challenges of real-time data acquisition, unreliable air assets, limitations of OTH radars, the missile's own limitations, and modern missile defence systems make sinking a moving aircraft carrier a highly improbable feat.
if such a case why chinese are expanding their own CBG instead of producing more DF21D and kill any CBG of their enemy.
Whats the source for mach-2 terminal velocity of DF-21?
yeah, ballistic missiles reach hypersonic(mach 5+) speeds in terminal phase. But still, they are not that hard to intercept even though they are going so fast. Israel was able to intercept almost all the ballistic missiles lauched by Iran.
carriers travel in a carrier strike group. Their will be destroyers and air defence frigates to protect it. of course, china could launch a saturation attack to overwhelm the air defence, but that will be very difficult to achieve. Launching dozens of these massive ballistic missiles at once accurately over 1000s of kms is very very difficult, that too at a moving target. These ballistic missiles are not ship based, so they have to be fired on trucks or silos. And 1 truck can only carry 1 of these at a time.
Whats the source for mach-2 terminal velocity of DF-21?
Hypersonic missiles slow down to receive further targeting data because when they are going at their usual speeds of mach5-10 a plasma develops around their body which makes it impossible to communicate with targeting station. Read this

DF21 is limited to south China sea period. That is exactly why Chinese are developing CBG and overseas bases to cover Indian Ocean Region.
Because Laser dome, DEW and S-500 Naval if we deploy on our front line warships no Chinese missile can penetrate !
Why are you wasting time in finding chinas technology fault. Batter to get same level of tech in india as soon as possible. They have atleast missiles to target carrier do we have same. Why always we try to find their fault and keep our mind happy. 🤦

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