DRDO Seeks Partner for Development Maritime Surveillance Aircraft Based on C295

DRDO Seeks Partner for Development Maritime Surveillance Aircraft Based on C295

India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is actively seeking a partner to collaborate on the development of next-generation maritime patrol aircraft.

The project aims to upgrade India's capabilities in maritime surveillance and reconnaissance with new aircraft based on the C295 platform.

Two Variants, Enhanced Missions​

The project envisions two new aircraft variants:
  • Multi-Mode Maritime Aircraft (MMMA): Designed for the Indian Coast Guard, the MMMA will enhance its capacities in various maritime operations.
  • Medium Range Maritime Reconnaissance (MRMR): Built for the Indian Navy, the MRMR will significantly upgrade long-range surveillance and reconnaissance missions.

Cutting-Edge Radar Technology​

A key element of this project is the integration of a powerful active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar. This advanced radar system offers enhanced capabilities over traditional radars, enabling superior detection and tracking of targets at sea.

The planned radar builds upon the technology used in India's Embraer EMB-145 Netra Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft, with specific optimizations for maritime operations.

Seeking Qualified Partner​

The DRDO is actively seeking a qualified Development Cum Production Partner (DCPP) with proven expertise in creating advanced mission systems for airborne platforms. This collaboration will be essential for the successful development and future deployment of these vital maritime patrol aircraft.

Strengthening National Security​

This ambitious project underscores India's commitment to strengthening its maritime security and surveillance capabilities in a strategically important region.
Great, India needs a domestic program like this - hopefully the 1st planes can fly by 2030, provided TATAS can scale the domestic assembly starting 2026...Nevertheless, India should think about acquiring about 6-12 P8Is, and also get the existing 12 upgraded to the latest standards..
Using the C295 platform will make the job easier to develop the maritime patrol aircraft. We might need the help of airbus to make sure any changes to the technology, upgrades, sensors, cameras, aircraft structure or adding on any weapons capability will be compatible with the original plane even if most of it is developed indigenously.

The other alternative is if an Indian private company can develop and install everything and guarantee the changes or system won’t crash the plane down or have any problems over the years by certifying the changes.
Not jumping on conclusions. But ratherbpointing out the false bravado that our DPSU tend to possess. First they forcefully argue against collaboration, co-development and co-production, to corner funding. Once that happens the program chugs along for 5-10 years before they eventually realize they indeed needed collaboration all along and then belatedly they then try to partner with OEM to source components. Now what was the error point of arguing against co development? Had they colloborated and engaged in co-development/ co-production we would already have had equal access to the technology and a platform would have already been either in advanced stage testing or would have already been inducted.

Seriously taking almost a decade to realize you need a tech partner, reflects very poorly on the work culture and management.
P8i Poseidon is still the best ...
Well alternative backup is not bad too
I hope that IAF will consider to invest in additional C-295 Aircraft to replace An-32s to boost Logistical synergy, Indigenization & Economy of Scales for Tata-Airbus JV.
Not jumping on conclusions. But ratherbpointing out the false bravado that our DPSU tend to possess. First they forcefully argue against collaboration, co-development and co-production, to corner funding. Once that happens the program chugs along for 5-10 years before they eventually realize they indeed needed collaboration all along and then belatedly they then try to partner with OEM to source components. Now what was the error point of arguing against co development? Had they colloborated and engaged in co-development/ co-production we would already have had equal access to the technology and a platform would have already been either in advanced stage testing or would have already been inducted.

Seriously taking almost a decade to realize you need a tech partner, reflects very poorly on the work culture and management.
First of all buddy , DPSUs don't get enough funds to get everything they want , We are not France , Russia or USA..

Co-development of what , In FGFA we were giving billions to just get a little amount of technology and not a desired product..

Noone comes along for a couple of millions to provide his expertise & share technology. If you need a foreign partner for co-development than be ready to have a budget of Billions of dollars in the piggy bank rather than giving just a couple of millions in R&D to DPSUs..

They work under MOD , they are the employee not the employer , MOD takes decisions freely what they think is best , otherwise we can also act like britain and get everything from the USA , Be Turkey or Japan and get all the technology from NATO..

After Nuclear test of pokhran we were in sidelined by the West , they was no access to technology after 2002 nuclear deal with US things started getting better..

Years after producing Su-30mki , still we are sourcing components of engine , because they are not doing TOT .

They are only couple of deals happened where We made systems in india... MIG-21 , SU-30 MKI , dornier , artillery gun , Recent developments of Radars , SAMS and submarines

Not to forget MOD makes policies and gives permission for every single project , we don't have that luxury of having big private defence players.
First of all buddy , DPSUs don't get enough funds to get everything they want , We are not France , Russia or USA..

Co-development of what , In FGFA we were giving billions to just get a little amount of technology and not a desired product..

Noone comes along for a couple of millions to provide his expertise & share technology. If you need a foreign partner for co-development than be ready to have a budget of Billions of dollars in the piggy bank rather than giving just a couple of millions in R&D to DPSUs..

They work under MOD , they are the employee not the employer , MOD takes decisions freely what they think is best , otherwise we can also act like britain and get everything from the USA , Be Turkey or Japan and get all the technology from NATO..

After Nuclear test of pokhran we were in sidelined by the West , they was no access to technology after 2002 nuclear deal with US things started getting better..

Years after producing Su-30mki , still we are sourcing components of engine , because they are not doing TOT .

They are only couple of deals happened where We made systems in india... MIG-21 , SU-30 MKI , dornier , artillery gun , Recent developments of Radars , SAMS and submarines

Not to forget MOD makes policies and gives permission for every single project , we don't have that luxury of having big private defence players.
At least we would have platform in hand until now, as of now we are still waiting for a prototype to test sub systems on board. Any way they stated off by promising to develop it independently now why do they require partnership. I tell u why. DRDO likes to retain the facade of having it developed independently even when they partnered with foreign companies for design and technical consultancy.

Had they collaborated they would have lost the chance to siphon off more funds from government due to persistent delays and by taking consultancy through backdoor they dont need to share the credit as well. This has been the standard MOD for DRDO for last several years. You really think our Arudha radar is indigenous? it has got a fair amount of backdoor assistance from Israel and even France to some extent.

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