DRDO's 30kW Laser Weapon System Successfully Completes Trials, Ready for Production and Deployment

DRDO Developing 300kW Laser Weapon to Intercept Cruise Missiles

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has announced the successful completion of trials for its 30-kilowatt laser weapon system. This milestone marks a significant advancement in India's defense capabilities, as the system is now ready for mass production and deployment across various military platforms.

The laser weapon, designed to neutralize aerial threats like drones and helicopters, boasts an impressive operational range of up to 5 kilometers. DRDO aims to extend this range further, solidifying its effectiveness against a wider range of targets.

Demonstrating versatility, the core technology has been adapted for both ground-based and shipborne applications. The Shipborne Laser Weapon System (SLWS), weighing less than 8 tons, can be seamlessly integrated onto naval vessels and land-based vehicles.

Equipped with a 360-degree Electro-Optical/infrared (EO/IR) sensor and user-defined targeting capabilities, the system ensures precise identification and neutralization of threats. Additionally, it boasts advanced electronic warfare capabilities, including jamming communication and satellite signals.

The 30kW laser weapon's exceptional mobility allows for transportation by air, rail, road, and sea, enabling rapid deployment to meet evolving security challenges.
The operational range has to be upgraded to at least 20 km and needs to be deployed across loc and lac in rapid numbers. Make that our invisible shield on borders, its more Capable than iron dome if used in right manner.
Very wonderful news on Drone defenses for Indian armed forces.

Proof of the pudding could be obtained by deploying them at Loc and LAC and using them to interdict the terroristan/beggeristan Drones ferrying drugs, fake notes, arms, and ammunitions, etc

Only then it should be mass produced.
Laser weapon Pod on fighters, Tanks, IFV and DEW on warships will be game changer if DRDO succeed in DEW tech !
This is very good progress as we can now use it for any short range air threats. This will allow us to target the helicopter, missiles, drones, jets etc with almost 100% accurate precision but the only issue is that the laser might struggle to destroy the threat if it can move very fast before the laser can lock onto it or long enough to destroy the threat. We would also like to know how much energy it will have to use, the lasers lifespan it has, how many shots it can do, reload time etc so it's a good start in developing this but we will need to develop a more powerful laser with a longer range.

Until we develop that we have to stick to the CIWS bullets and SAM which work flawlessly most of the time but sometimes they might not be able to destroy the threat in time for whatever reason so we should still deploy the laser in key cities with the CIWS and SAM so they can be tested properly and once your in the system it has no problems or logistics issues.
The operational range has to be upgraded to at least 20 km and needs to be deployed across loc and lac in rapid numbers. Make that our invisible shield on borders, its more Capable than iron dome if used in right manner.
30 km least
It will take less than 3 mins for a drone to fly 5 km. 3 mins is short for recieving signal, decision making and take down
It's highly appreciative on the part of DRDO to come up with such a novel weapon system. It definitely proves that India has beyond conventional technologies and has embraced new kinds of deterrents to put the fear of God into the hearts of our enemies. As a nation we have moved beyond the conventional stereotypes and are ready to make our debut in the new strategic climate where anything and everything can happen. Now what is needed is a space based laser weapon system to target our immediate and potential enemies from the outer space. A giant reflector using the sun's rays would be a good starter. Archimedes, the Greek scientist, had used giant parabolic mirrors to burn the Roman ships invading Syracuse. We ought to have the will to act.The rest would follow suit.
It's give a immense pleasure to know that we have developed lasor weapons, though it is small in range but can extend the same with time.

It was my dream 5-6 year ago that why we are not working on lasor system to destroy or block communication signal in such a manner that we from our boundaries can target or destroy even Chinese or Pakistani or US war weapons easily. Also such a powerfull system that direct enemies war weapons if sent to hit our country, divert to their country. Also advancing such type of war weapons to protect our interest.

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