Experts Question India's Choice of Expensive MQ-9B Drones Over Indigenous Programs Amid $4 Billion Deal Signing With US


India's recent deal signing for 31 MQ-9B Predator drones from the United States has ignited a debate among defence analysts and industry observers. While the deal aims to strengthen India's military capabilities, particularly along its borders with China, concerns have been raised about the high cost and the potential impact on India's indigenous drone programs.

The deal, valued at nearly USD 4 billion, will provide the Indian military with advanced surveillance and strike capabilities. However, experts question the decision to opt for these expensive American drones when India has been developing its own unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as the Archer-NG Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) drone and the High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) UAV.

One major point of contention is the cost. Each MQ-9B drone is estimated to cost approximately USD 100 million, significantly higher than the projected cost of India's indigenous programs. For instance, the total cost of the Tapas project, another indigenous UAV initiative, was roughly USD 215 million, less than the price of two MQ-9Bs. Critics argue that India could have acquired a larger fleet of domestically produced drones for the same budget, thereby bolstering its defence manufacturing ecosystem and research and development capabilities.

Furthermore, experts emphasize that while the MQ-9B drones are technologically advanced, their impact in a large-scale conflict may be limited. "Thirty-one UAVs will not change the outcome of a war," one analyst argued, suggesting that a larger fleet of indigenous drones would be more strategically advantageous.

This acquisition also raises questions about India's commitment to self-reliance in defence technology, a key component of the government's "Atmanirbhar Bharat" (self-reliant India) initiative. Critics argue that relying on foreign platforms like the MQ-9B could hinder the development of a robust domestic drone industry.

The government's decision appears to be driven by immediate operational requirements, given the ongoing tensions with China. The MQ-9B's ability to conduct long-range surveillance and precision strikes in challenging terrain is seen as a valuable asset. However, the debate highlights the difficult balance between addressing short-term military needs and investing in long-term indigenous capabilities.

While the Indian government has not officially commented on the reasons for choosing the MQ-9B over its own drone programs, some sources suggest that delays and technical challenges in the indigenous programs may have played a role. Others point to the potential benefits of interoperability with US forces and access to advanced American technology.

This debate is likely to continue as India navigates its complex defence needs and strives to achieve self-reliance in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.
Those are against They are DUDs or Russian interest agents not experts ! We need cutting edge US fighter platforms to counter China in future ! Russia and China are bothers in arm since Ukraine Russia war ! Remember that once China capture Taiwan its next target will be Laddakh and Arunanchal ! Till then we must have F-35A, F-35B, F-36, B-21s, THAAD,PAC-III ,HIMARS, Tomahawk,MQ-4 Global HAWK and Satellite communication based war capabilities in place !
All Indian governments are same , long term defense preparedness is not a priority .If some issues happened in border like Kargil or clashes in Ladhak with Chinese , then we run here and there all over the world to buy immediate weapons.
Indian army is also the same , they will always prefer highly costly imports even though with only 30 platform , it will not change anything on ground. India doesn't have any strategic goal, at best if anyone attack us somehow we will defend ourselves even this mean humilation .
The 4 billion dollars that we are paying in this deal should be recovered from the pension amount of babus who worked on the rustam program like it was a bone to chew till their retirement, also boasting all the time that their product will be superior to predators.
This purchase was necessary as DRDO itself is not able to guarantee when Archer NG and HALE will be ready for operation. There is no point in waiting when there is chance of immediate requirements in the next few years.
Experts are experts only when they bring various solutions along with the problem. Simply complaining is not going to help. We all know 2 decades gone wasted into Rustom - 2. Had they appropriately estimated the R & D budgeted needed, govt would have allocated. They simply kept on dragging the programmes with no review and it faile din the end.
Those are against They are DUDs or Russian interest agents not experts ! We need cutting edge US fighter platforms to counter China in future ! Russia and China are bothers in arm since Ukraine Russia war ! Remember that once China capture Taiwan its next target will be Laddakh and Arunanchal ! Till then we must have F-35A, F-35B, F-36, B-21s, THAAD,PAC-III ,HIMARS, Tomahawk,MQ-4 Global HAWK and Satellite communication based war capabilities in place !
Two large countries with a population of 1.4 billion, India and China, share the same place only in terms of population, without any other similarities. Most of China's weapons are manufactured by itself, while India, in contrast, imports most of its weapons from countries around the world.
GoI policies have no vision and long range plans at all.

No matter what UAVs they buy, India must still fund development and productions of Tapas-BH and Archer-NG UAVs, and many others being developed by Indian startups.
Once American weapons enters any country then that countries domestic industry is destabilize and sabotaged. Leading scientists will be killed in accidents or disappeared.
Once American weapons enters any country then that countries domestic industry is destabilize and sabotaged. Leading scientists will be killed in accidents or disappeared.
Buddy your statement doesn’t match facts. If you look at the top 12 arms exporters, top 4 are of course US, Russia, France and China. France doesn’t buy much but does buy components from US. Russia and China of course won’t get US weapons. But other than that, all 8 countries buy US weapons in huge numbers.

So the fact seems to be that once you start buying US weapons, your domestic industry starts thriving and your exports skyrocket.
Our problem is if we buy then why did we buy if we don't why didn't we buy & our UAV program has not given desired results time wise & quality wise Drdo has not been able to bring this program to desired level not even after missing deadlines but anyway even if this program is short of desired results should be bought by defence forces to help making it more attractive forward & price wise it will be effective
Both Archer, HALE and earlier Rustom drone projects have suffered because of tardy and inefficient nature of DRDO and other PSUs and not because of funds, and if anyway if these organisations ever wanted outside help they could have agreed to rope in IAI as a consultant to bolster these programs, and with the help of Indian private sector firms finally get these bids ready for mass production. Then again,these PSUs chose to stick with their guns,and and as usual India pays the price.
Same like stryker & Not Funds for WaHP
First they need to justify the finds alloted. Funds are not meant for free food, high end offices, veh and other facilities. Despite huge allocation of funds, NOTHING has come up except NEW NAME.
MQ9 drones are required for surveillance in Indian Ocean and some missions for military, but we must look how Indian Government gives same budget to private industries to build their capacity instead of only relying on DPSUs
GoI policies have no vision and long range plans at all.

No matter what UAVs they buy, India must still fund development and productions of Tapas-BH and Archer-NG UAVs, and many others being developed by Indian startups.
I agree govt don't have strategic depth. But funding DPSUDRDO will fetch nothing but NEW NAME.
Very sensible dicission by GOI. MQ9B are far superior drones , nothing but the best for our armed forces.
we have wasted enough taxpayers money by funding PSU's with zero results.
Frist, I don't see buying reaper will affect our indigenous drones in anyway. Moreover they might help us in developing modern drones. Secondly, tapas and archer NG are not in the same catagory of reaper, so this article and articles like these are bogus.
10 of these were shot down by the Houthis what chances against Chinese. You make your conclusions. Indian defense deals with US done to please Washington and pocket money. What is the need for 31 blows me. Best use is coast Guard patrols. I don't know if they are capable of submarine surveillance. Waste of money.
Buddy your statement doesn’t match facts. If you look at the top 12 arms exporters, top 4 are of course US, Russia, France and China. France doesn’t buy much but does buy components from US. Russia and China of course won’t get US weapons. But other than that, all 8 countries buy US weapons in huge numbers.

So the fact seems to be that once you start buying US weapons, your domestic industry starts thriving and your exports skyrocket.
What a joke man ?? American weapons entered Pakistan and afganistan how many industries grew there ??? Pakistan using american fighter jets for 50 years now so how many Pakistani fight jets companies arise in Pakistan, Canada, Europe or any nation. ???

America sold f16 to Pak and now offering f16 to India. USA sold f16 to Greece and Turkey both. Hahahhah what's these ??
What a joke man ?? American weapons entered Pakistan and afganistan how many industries grew there ??? Pakistan using american fighter jets for 50 years now so how many Pakistani fight jets companies arise in Pakistan, Canada, Europe or any nation. ???
How many fighter jet companies are in Europe? We have Eurofighter and Dassault, right? And most of the companies combine under one of the 2. Pakistan also has PAC which has actually exported more planes than HAL 😂😂😂
America sold f16 to Pak and now offering f16 to India. USA sold f16 to Greece and Turkey both. Hahahhah what's these ??
So? Greece and Turkey are both NATO members. And US has offered its entire range of 4.5 gen planes to India. So what?

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