Greece Eyes Indian Missiles to Challenge Turkish Naval Power in Aegean Sea

Greece Eyes Indian Missiles to Challenge Turkish Naval Power in Aegean Sea

Athens, Greece – A recent proposal by two Greek academics has stirred debate and drawn attention to the complex dynamics of the Aegean Sea.

Emmanuel Marios Economou and Nikos K. Kyriazis, of the University of Thessaly, advocate for the acquisition of the BrahMos cruise missile system developed jointly by India and Russia. The proposal aims to deter Turkey's growing ambitions in the region.

Countering the "Blue Homeland"​

Economou and Kyriazis argue that the deployment of BrahMos missiles on Greece's eastern Aegean islands would create a "denial and prohibition of maritime access" for the Turkish navy.

This strategy is seen as a direct countermeasure against Turkey's expansionist policies, particularly its "Blue Homeland" doctrine, which envisions Turkish control over vast areas of the Aegean and Mediterranean Seas.

Cost-Effective Deterrence​

The academics assert that BrahMos offers a cost-effective solution compared to traditional large naval vessels, which they argue are increasingly vulnerable to advanced missile systems.

They estimate a single BrahMos missile costs around $3.5 million, making a package of 150 missiles with launchers and radars significantly cheaper than a comparable naval force.

A "Nightmare" for Turkish Ambitions​

Economou and Kyriazis boldly describe the BrahMos as a potential "nightmare" for the Turkish navy. They believe it would severely undermine Turkey's ability to project power as outlined in the "Blue Homeland" doctrine.

The Greek experts also criticize the Turkey-Libya maritime delimitation agreement as lacking a legal basis and an act of expansionism.


While the proposal has sparked intense discussion within Greece, it remains unclear if the government will pursue a large-scale BrahMos acquisition.

The cost of such a purchase, along with the potential impact on already strained Greek-Turkish relations, are likely significant factors influencing the decision-making process.

However, the proposal underscores the growing concern within Greece regarding Turkey's intentions and the ongoing security challenges in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Too bad that Ruskis are angry at Greece for imposing Sanctions and sending weapons to Ukraine. Russian nod is required for Brahmos export.
Potentially a good acquisition for the Greeks,but a lot will depend on whether it's politically feasible as it's an offensive system and the issue of Russian sanctions can't be forgotten either.
Too bad that Ruskis are angry at Greece for imposing Sanctions and sending weapons to Ukraine. Russian nod is required for Brahmos export.
I dont think we have to worry about that. Many reasons for that-
  1. If russia refuses permission, it would piss off india. And russia cant afford that. India also takes care not to piss off russia.
  2. Russia turkey relation is not great. It is relationship of convenience. Turkey is part of NATO. but it buys lot of russian oil.
  3. Russia allowed India to export brahmos to phillipines, which bought it for china. So, it did not care that china would be mad.
Thus, if greece wants to buy and India wants to sell, russia wont come in way.
Potentially a good acquisition for the Greeks,but a lot will depend on whether it's politically feasible as it's an offensive system and the issue of Russian sanctions can't be forgotten either.
Russian sanctions dont apply to brahmos. Our export to phillipines went without any issues
I think India is pulling some strings here. For very exzpensive deals like these, small sparks are made, which light small fire which keeps expanding. Thus groundwork needs to be done for such deals. It is a multi year project.

If this is successful and greece buys it, it will be momentous occasion, as europe is largest arms market right now, and greece can be our steppimg stone into this market.
We should not sell Bramhos to everyone. We should check if they are a close ally or not. one way to determine is if they have a broad array of Indian weapons. If not then they can form a partnership by acquiring other platforms and subsequently Bramhos can be exported to them.
Russian sanctions dont apply to brahmos. Our export to phillipines went without any issues
Yup, but that deal was signed earlier just before the start of Russian invasion,I believe in Jan 2022.I don't know whether the same applies today with any newer deals that is involves significant transactions with heavily sanctioned Russian entities.
Besides,Greece is part of NATO,one more reason why I am skeptical of any real deal,as those countries don't want to do anything with Russian equipment,just see how Turkish S-400 are just rusting away in a corner today.
I believe if Greece is desperate enough then she will likely turn towards French options and will rely heavily on US diplomacy to persuade Turkey from actions that threatens to change status quo in the region.
We should not sell Bramhos to everyone. We should check if they are a close ally or not. one way to determine is if they have a broad array of Indian weapons. If not then they can form a partnership by acquiring other platforms and subsequently Bramhos can be exported to them.
So, by your definition, we shouldn't sell the BrahMos to anyone else except possibly Armenia.

Oh, and if we start putting such conditions on other products as well, what do you want to tell other nations? "We will sell you stuff, but you have to buy 10 other things to get the 1 thing you want." What sort of statement is that, exactly?
Greece should be very careful and not see the BrahMos as an alternative to their Navy's modernisation. This proposal almost makes it sound as if these missiles would be a substitute for new ships, which shouldn't be the case.

A supersonic AShM capability is a force multiplier against the Tharkis, but their naval modernisation is also just as, if not more, important.
Excellent idea. Also Greece should have plent of Manpads to shoot down Bayratkar and Akinci drones and anti drone systems from India.
LMAO this is another daydreaming article LMAO remember brahmos is JV between India and Russia.... It would be a miracle if NATO would allow this one to be integrated into their systems standard
I dont think we have to worry about that. Many reasons for that-
  1. If russia refuses permission, it would piss off india. And russia cant afford that. India also takes care not to piss off russia.
  2. Russia turkey relation is not great. It is relationship of convenience. Turkey is part of NATO. but it buys lot of russian oil.
  3. Russia allowed India to export brahmos to phillipines, which bought it for china. So, it did not care that china would be mad.
Thus, if greece wants to buy and India wants to sell, russia wont come in way.
You forgot to say if NATO would allow it to be integrated to their defense system standard that would be a miracle LMAO 😹😹😹
So, by your definition, we shouldn't sell the BrahMos to anyone else except possibly Armenia.

Oh, and if we start putting such conditions on other products as well, what do you want to tell other nations? "We will sell you stuff, but you have to buy 10 other things to get the 1 thing you want." What sort of statement is that, exactly?
Bramhos is a bleeding edge tech for us, we should sell it only to our allies.
Bramhos is a bleeding edge tech for us, we should sell it only to our allies.
Under MTCR guidelines, we can't sell the variants with a range greater than 300 km anyways. We would only be selling the 290 km variant. Now, if it hurts the Tharkis, then I am happy. That said, a potential sale to Greece (although unlikely) would also open up the doors for increased military cooperation. They have already been expressing some interest in the Astra missiles for their Rafales. Perhaps one sale here could lead to another.

Secondly, this "no selling cutting edge stuff" works only when you are literally at the forefront of technological development. We aren't there just yet, so taking that sort of stance will only unnecessarily lead to a loss of potential exports.
LMAO this is another daydreaming article LMAO remember brahmos is JV between India and Russia.... It would be a miracle if NATO would allow this one to be integrated into their systems standard
It's not out of the realm of possibility, considering Greece has a S-300 system they got from Cyprus in the 2000s. NATO did not insist on that system being decommissioned as soon as the Greeks got them, and while the US would certainly push for a sale of Tomahawks and/or Harpoons over the BrahMos, NATO might just about be willing to integrate the BrahMos into their defence standard given that most of the equipment of the missile was coming from India rather than Russia.
Now that he has said it publicly, the US and France will be mounting pressure to sell their own missiles to Greece.
Bramhos is a bleeding edge tech for us, we should sell it only to our allies.
Then you don't know much about geopolitics.
Because, defence equipment sales is a way through which you(a middle power) make allies and not the other way around.

That's how France did it in India, South Korea is doing it in Eastern Europe and China in Africa and Pakistan.
It's not out of the realm of possibility, considering Greece has a S-300 system they got from Cyprus in the 2000s. NATO did not insist on that system being decommissioned as soon as the Greeks got them, and while the US would certainly push for a sale of Tomahawks and/or Harpoons over the BrahMos, NATO might just about be willing to integrate the BrahMos into their defence standard given that most of the equipment of the missile was coming from India rather than Russia.
Early 2000's Russian Federation is not a threat to NATO when they saw Putin strengthening Russia after Soviet Union collapse they see him now as a threat... Now see what's happening in Ukraine vs Russia war US government wants Putin dead, while they still weighing it if it's the right choice because Meveded a prime minister of Russian Federation threatening to wage nuclear war if anyone in Europe or Western countries would try to assassinate their leader😹😹😹.... So about s300 is not shocking info bruh

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