HAL's Nashik Plant Gears Up for New Tejas Mk1A Production Line, Reviving Local Suppliers


After facing a period of economic downturn due to the closure of the Su-30MKI production line, the Nashik region is experiencing a renewed sense of optimism.

The inauguration of the third Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas production line in Nashik is not only expected to produce the first LCA-Tejas Mk1A later this year but also to revitalize the local economy, breathing new life into the region.

Nashik's selection as the location for the new production line is strategic. With a significant presence of Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and two existing LCA-Tejas production lines in Bangalore, Nashik was the natural choice for expansion.

However, the city's role goes beyond just producing the Mk1A. An HAL executive has confirmed that these industries are being repurposed to support the Tejas MkII program, with the Nashik plant becoming a pivotal manufacturing hub for the Tejas MkII fighter jet when it enters production later in 2030.

Further contributing to the revival of the local ecosystem is the Indian Air Force’s recent order for 12 indigenously-built Su-30MKI jets. With each Su-30MKI requiring approximately 6,000 components, a significant portion of which will be sourced locally.

HAL is also actively working to reactivate local suppliers and integrate them into the Tejas Mk1A and MkII programs.
We only have Bangalore and Nashik where HAL assembles jets. We should have one more facility in another state. Let Bangalore produce 16- 24 jets, Nashik 16 -24 production and ovehaul. New facility should be used for trainer jets and overhaul. Going forward we will have Tejas MK2, TEDBF(100+) and trainer jets produced along with mid life upgrades of SU30 MKIs and Tejas MK1s. We will need huge capacities.
India still needs HAL Nashik division because of their proficiency in SU-30MKI fighters to overhaul the older SU-30MKIs and upgrade them to newest version of Super Sukhois which has a highest priority for IAF.

A portion of the production line can be used for Tejas Mk IA by all means.
India may have another production facility from MRFA ,&Lastly AMCA SPV model too so these production capacity is enough of 28 to 32 from all HAL facilities Bangalore two & Nashik One . From MRFA Under make india production capacity may b 24 to 25 jets per year.and for AMCA unknown no .all these facilitys may produce 0ver 50 Fighter jets in Future .
what gear up , were they all enjoying summer vacation or what. Not a single Tejas MK 1A is yet delivered. Astra missiles not yet installed and you say gear. It pains me write this but the delay is unpardonable. How can Turkey and Korea get their planes ready and for Tejas MK2 they need 2 years to fly as someone has already made his retirement plan. Daily putting one rivet and saying too much work is done.
Again every body is gearing up, but no body is pressing the accelerator 😅😅
Once again, are they trying to do "Auto Bianci" gambit, deliver engineless aircraft and then put in the engines when finally available?

(Auto Bianci was an Eytie automobile company which made coachwork and interiors, but always used FIAT engines -- and company spokesmen would explain the "Bianci/Plano" was due to their "not making the machina").
Nothing against the suppliers but they need to realize that there won't always be never ending orders. They need to get with the times and diversify.
They can do what is required to increase Teja 1 or 2 program in bangalore and Nashik.
They first get hold of continously engines required fir these planes to fly out.
Next They must program what fire power these jets needs for next 5 to 10 years. Here IAF should be firm and not change the goal post.
Last get a contract to import 114 medium high class aircraft with 25% out right purchase balance assembled in india F21 would be ideal.
what gear up , were they all enjoying summer vacation or what. Not a single Tejas MK 1A is yet delivered. Astra missiles not yet installed and you say gear. It pains me write this but the delay is unpardonable. How can Turkey and Korea get their planes ready and for Tejas MK2 they need 2 years to fly as someone has already made his retirement plan. Daily putting one rivet and saying too much work is done.
Reasons for all the things you have said is already documented.

Turkey is still at first prototype phase, and it has BAE systems as a tech partner, if I remember right.

The korean fighter is a 4.5 gen jet. Since it does not have an internal weapons bay.

Reason for delay in tejas mk2 was that govt had increased the percentage of indigenisation. When tejas waa first built it had less than 50% IC. But tejas mk2 is going to have more than 70%IC from the start. Also, signing local ge414 production deal was a milestone set by the govt to get funding released.
Just a topic of thought while UP & Bihar have highest population of india. I don't see any plant or investment by HAL or ISRO in those regions. I mean most of industrialization of india happened in south and the per capita income is high, due to various factors like availability of ports, availability of space of missile tests. But it's time that north india need to catch up. We need to invest in creating investment corridors in north as well. Government organizations like HAL, DRDO, ISRO also need to make quality investment in poor states like Bihar, Chattisgarh, UP and infact Punjab as well.
Till now money , investments were based on frugal Indian thinking and planning . With MK-2Tejas /AMCA bigger larger more sophisticated 4th and 5th generation robotic production lines preferably in strategic private partnerships is the need of the hour with huge hangers and test facilities set up in a new township .Multinational teams be deployed with production runs of 48 to 60 or more aircraft catering for domestic and exports in a shorter time frame .The time to plan think and conceive big like Americans in all walks is the need now .With money constraints likely over the Bania culture must be shed with quality and quantity both chased at god speed to achieve end results.
The Nashik plant was involved in making the Sukhoi jets and if we are going to manufacture another 12 jets then we should quickly make the deal and implement the Super Sukhoi program and use the technology that we have developed.

But HAL also needs the facilities to overhaul and install our indigenously developed Super Sukhoi technology and it’s unclear where will they do it if they are going to convert the existing facility to manufacture the Tejas MK1A jets after making the last 12 Sukhoi jets.
We only have Bangalore and Nashik where HAL assembles jets. We should have one more facility in another state. Let Bangalore produce 16- 24 jets, Nashik 16 -24 production and ovehaul. New facility should be used for trainer jets and overhaul. Going forward we will have Tejas MK2, TEDBF(100+) and trainer jets produced along with mid life upgrades of SU30 MKIs and Tejas MK1s. We will need huge capacities.
First let them use the existing facilities to 80% or something, please?
what gear up , were they all enjoying summer vacation or what. Not a single Tejas MK 1A is yet delivered. Astra missiles not yet installed and you say gear. It pains me write this but the delay is unpardonable. How can Turkey and Korea get their planes ready and for Tejas MK2 they need 2 years to fly as someone has already made his retirement plan. Daily putting one rivet and saying too much work is done.
2 years for Tejas Mk2??? They were supposed to start manufacturing by 2016!!! And this statement was given in 2013.
Turkey is still at first prototype phase
Mk2 isn't even there.
The korean fighter is a 4.5 gen jet.
So is Mk2.
Reason for delay in tejas mk2 was that govt had increased the percentage of indigenisation. When tejas waa first built it had less than 50% IC. But tejas mk2 is going to have more than 70%IC from the start. Also, signing local ge414 production deal was a milestone set by the govt to get funding released.
That was never the reason. Funds were given way back and this has been very well documented from HAL's own sources. Funds were available a decade back. You can read HAL's own tenders if you wanna check that.
We don't need to follow china, rush building everything in a short time frame and then get into economic slump as there is nothing more to do. Rather we can manufacture at the rate of 16 every year and keep the economy going. After all these aircrafts are not manufactured for wars but for republic day display. In real life scenarios with an advanced air defence system, no fighter jet will survive!! US, UK, Russian and France jets have proven themselves only when there is no air defence!!
We only have Bangalore and Nashik where HAL assembles jets. We should have one more facility in another state. Let Bangalore produce 16- 24 jets, Nashik 16 -24 production and ovehaul. New facility should be used for trainer jets and overhaul. Going forward we will have Tejas MK2, TEDBF(100+) and trainer jets produced along with mid life upgrades of SU30 MKIs and Tejas MK1s. We will need huge capacities.
Why resurgence now, Nashik always does as there’s where they print ₹₹₹ for the last 96 years, May be HAL canteen makes more resurgance, another productin line must be managed by Private companies like Tata, Mahindra, Ashok Leyland and/OR L&T, even Hero or TVS do an efficient job, Ashok Leyland in Hosur TN is only 30 minutes from Bangalore would be an ideal location for another production line.
Precisely why we need to have our own indegenious weapon systems. If only our IA could have realized it.
We only have Bangalore and Nashik where HAL assembles jets. We should have one more facility in another state. Let Bangalore produce 16- 24 jets, Nashik 16 -24 production and ovehaul. New facility should be used for trainer jets and overhaul. Going forward we will have Tejas MK2, TEDBF(100+) and trainer jets produced along with mid life upgrades of SU30 MKIs and Tejas MK1s. We will need huge capacities.
Well said Lucknow can be another, we need to ramp up and get required squadron strength of 42 by 2030 and then focus on exports.

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