How DRDO's 8×2 Truck-Mounted System for VL-SRSAM will Boost IAF's Defence Against Low Altitude Aerial Threats


The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has achieved a significant milestone in bolstering India's air defence capabilities with the successful fabrication of an 8×2 truck-mounted system for the Vertical Launch Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile (VL-SRSAM).

Initially conceived for the Indian Navy, this versatile system is now being adapted for deployment by the Indian Air Force (IAF), promising to significantly enhance their defence against low-altitude aerial threats.

The VL-SRSAM is a quick-reaction, low-level surface-to-air missile system designed to counter a wide array of airborne threats, including aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), drones, and precision-guided munitions. Its proficiency in engaging targets at low altitudes makes it an invaluable asset in today's complex air defence landscape.

While originally developed for the Indian Navy to replace the aging Barak 1 surface-to-air missile system on frontline warships, the VL-SRSAM's adaptability has paved the way for its integration into the IAF's defence strategy. For the Navy, it acts as a robust inner air defence shield, significantly improving the survivability of naval vessels in hostile environments.

The IAF intends to leverage the Air Force variant of the VL-SRSAM to provide crucial protection for frontline air bases and other vital fixed assets. Working in tandem with the Akash-Mk1 Air Defence system, the VL-SRSAM will create a layered and formidable defence network, capable of countering a wide spectrum of aerial threats.
The reason is - testing. The army will test a system till eternity until the drdo gets frustrated and drop the project altogether. Then it will select a foreign version - iron dome system from israel.
Absolute lies. Army gives speedy trials and accepts the indigenous systems if they meet basic requirements. Problem is that most of the times DRDO systems don’t meet the specs and army can’t reject them due to MoD pressure and can’t accept them because they are useless. Ultimately they have to give token orders and this bolsters the DRDO even more to come up with more cr@p
This is a crucial missile as it fills the gap between short and medium range SAM. These missiles can be used by the navy, army and air force which is a major bonus as it keeps the capability, number of missile, maintenance, technology and price the same for all of them. We need a launcher on a truck but also on a track so that we can move and use it on any type of terrain and especially in high altitude regions or heavy rainfall and flooded regions where a truck can’t be used or moved to where it’s needed.

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