How IAF's SDI Helping to Test Astra, ASRAAM, & RudraM Missiles on Tejas Mk2 without Actual Aircraft


The Indian Air Force's Software Development Institute (SDI) is playing a crucial role in expediting the development of the Tejas Mk2 fighter jet, particularly in the complex realm of weapons integration. In collaboration with the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), the SDI is working to virtually integrate and test an array of advanced weapons onto the Tejas Mk2, significantly enhancing the aircraft's combat capabilities, even before the physical aircraft takes flight.

This virtual integration process allows the IAF to test the compatibility and performance of various weapon systems on the Tejas Mk2 without the need for actual flight tests, saving valuable time and resources. The SDI's involvement also aims to make the IAF more self-reliant by transferring technical knowledge from the ADA, empowering the air force to conduct integration and flight testing independently in the future.

The Tejas Mk2 is slated to be equipped with a diverse arsenal, including the indigenous Astra Mark 1 and Mark 2 beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles, wingtip-mounted ASRAAM short-range air-to-air missiles, and the DRDO's RudraM anti-radiation missiles. The SDI is actively developing programs for the RudraM missiles, ensuring their seamless integration with the Tejas Mk2's systems.

In addition to air-to-air capabilities, the Tejas Mk2 will also pack a punch with ground-attack weapons. The DRDO is developing various bombs for the aircraft, including the Tara high-speed, low-drag glide bomb and laser-guided bombs (LGBs) with laser-guidance kits.

The SCALP missile, originally procured for the Rafale fighters, will also be integrated with the Tejas Mk2. To accommodate this diverse payload, the Tejas Mk2 will feature 11 hard points, including one on each wingtip specifically for the ASRAAM missile.

By leveraging SDI's expertise, IAF is not only ensuring that the Tejas Mk2 will be a formidable and versatile fighter aircraft but also paving the way for a more efficient and independent weapons integration process in the future.
CLAW team of ADA, FIRSTLY develops the control systems mathematical modelling control laws and algorithms for the full envelope proper control of moving surfaces of MK2 jet airframe. ADE then develops the hw and sw fbw codes finally, using these control laws and algorithms. It will be fully tested and certified using iron-bird test jig at ADE built specially for MK2 Tejas jet. Might be only the final fine tuning is done by SDI...
CLAW team of ADA, FIRSTLY develops the control systems mathematical modelling control laws and algorithms for the full envelope proper control of moving surfaces of MK2 jet airframe. ADE then develops the hw and sw fbw codes finally, using these control laws and algorithms. It will be fully tested and certified using iron-bird test jig at ADE built specially for MK2 Tejas jet. Might be only the final fine tuning is done by SDI...
Only weapons integration with certification.
Only weapons integration with certification.
YES. SDI does only weapons integration software developments with Mil certifications currently.... They are planning to start fbw sw codes tweaking for perfection also, I saw in you tube starting with Tejas and next SUSu30MKI.
YES. SDI does only weapons integration software developments with Mil certifications currently.... They are planning to start fbw sw codes tweaking for perfection also, I saw in you tube starting with Tejas and next SUSu30MKI.
Still not able to integrate gun with Tejas Mk1a
HAL needs to sort this mess and its continuous delays and problems out as soon as possible. Our staff should be working on this day and night in 2 shifts of 12hr each at least until its first flight. This will speed up constructing several prototypes of the Tejas MK2 and AMCA which are the most crucial jets for the next 50 years at least.
It really bugs me about delay in authorizing the development of Tejas Mk 2s right after granting FOC to Tejas Mk IA.
Extremely costly mistake.

GE supplied enough shipsets of F-414INS6 engines (about 8 of them) long ago right after 99 engines contract was signed and sealed.
India dilly dallied as it wants more than 50 to 60 % TOT for local production. India wanted more but it should not have delayed the Tejas Mk 2 development at all, and even AMCA development.

These are all self-inflicted wounds of IAF, MoD, and GoI, and not to mention incompetence of HAL.
Gun is 100% PURE hardware fittings DUDE not software......!!!
it is useless without any software integration. How will you aim ? , how will you trigger ? How would your FBW behave with its additional weight and recoils,

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