How India's 2nd Indigenous Aircraft Carrier Can Be Built Within 7 Years, Explains Cochin Shipyard


Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), fresh from the successful delivery of India's first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant, has put forth an ambitious proposal to the Indian Navy. The shipyard believes it can construct a sister ship to INS Vikrant in a significantly reduced timeframe of just seven years.

INS Vikrant's construction was a complex and lengthy process, spanning nearly 13 years from keel-laying to sea trials. CSL attributes its confidence in accelerating the construction of the next carrier to two primary factors.

Firstly, the experience and infrastructure gained during INS Vikrant's construction have established a strong foundation within CSL. The shipyard intends to leverage this existing ecosystem to streamline production and expedite the process.

Secondly, CSL highlights the critical role of timely funding in maintaining construction momentum. With a consistent flow of resources, CSL is optimistic about achieving 85% completion by the sixth year, enabling a swift delivery within the seven-year timeframe.

While the core design is expected to remain largely unchanged, the new carrier might incorporate certain enhancements. One potential focus area is the inclusion of larger aircraft lifts to accommodate larger and heavier aircraft, thereby expanding operational capabilities.

As India develops Medium-Altitude, Long-Endurance (MALE) and High-Altitude, Long-Endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), the carrier could also be equipped to handle these advanced platforms.

This ambitious proposal by CSL demonstrates India's growing expertise in indigenous warship construction. If successful, it could significantly bolster the Indian Navy's capabilities and contribute to the nation's maritime security.
Thats very Good news .Funds & order should b placed immidiately without wasting Time, HAL should b ready by 2034 with TEDBF delivery.
Seven years timeframe is a great one so go for it immediately so India can field two carriers on both sides at all times while a third carrier gets into drydock for repairs and refits and refurbishments.

India must have a 3 ACs for sure.
Recently India was without no carrier at all for a period of time and it is totally unacceptable.

GoI must act fast.
Vikrant took 14 years from start of construction (2006) to start of sea trials (2020). She took 3 years from start of construction to laying down (2009), a further four years to launch (2013), seven years for fitting out and start of sea trials (2020), two years for sea trials and post-trial refits for commissioning (2022), and another 15 months for final operational trials (early 2024).

For IAC-II, if construction were to start in 2025-26, we could see a laying down in 2027-28, launch in 2030-31, start of sea trials in 2033-34, and commissioning around 2036. There doesn't seem to be any way to hasten the timelines beyond that.
Giving delivery of a flatop after 13 years is indeed a "successful delivery".
Thats very Good news .Funds & order should b placed immidiately without wasting Time, HAL should b ready by 2034 with TEDBF delivery.
No hurry for HAL. They have got 13 years to postpone timelines.
Think of drone aircraft carrier. You can reduce time money and other resources.
Also long range glide weapons. One aircraft carrier requires large fleet of ships to provide resources and limited range.

We can't approach even Andaman area without fleet of 20 supply ships with aircraft carrier.
India should quickly start making a sister ship but increase the indigenous content and technology to at least 90% and above. To reduce construction time they should use a blockchain method of construction and assembling it at port. This will allow small to medium businesses to manufacture entire parts/blocks of the ship and delivering it at port and then they just assemble it. We should also make sure we use more indigenous technology like radars, combat suite, EW, SAM, kavach, towed array sonar, hull mounted sonar, torpedo launchers, main artillery guns, CIWS etc.

While they manufacture that carrier we should design and develop a 80000t carrier and skip a 65000t carrier. This is because the threat from China will increase and they will have more and larger 80000t carriers coming to the Indian Ocean with more fire power and jets. Then our smaller carriers will struggle to fight back and leave us in a vulnerable position.

We also need to speed up the TEDBF as we need to increase the number of jets on the vikrant carrier where there is a shortage. We will also need more jets for our future carriers so we should prepare and have everything in place.
Vikrant took 14 years from start of construction (2006) to start of sea trials (2020). She took 3 years from start of construction to laying down (2009), a further four years to launch (2013), seven years for fitting out and start of sea trials (2020), two years for sea trials and post-trial refits for commissioning (2022), and another 15 months for final operational trials (early 2024).

For IAC-II, if construction were to start in 2025-26, we could see a laying down in 2027-28, launch in 2030-31, start of sea trials in 2033-34, and commissioning around 2036. There doesn't seem to be any way to hasten the timelines beyond that.
Lots of delay of imported parts, steel had to be made in India. Now, steel is made in India delay will be much less.
Japan builds a similar size of commercial ship in less than a year time ,korea also takes less than 1 year but our industries need 7 years for this?? Better collaborate with Japan for some of ship building tech they will happily help although budget might go little higher this time but for next it will save a fortune
Lots of delay of imported parts, steel had to be made in India. Now, steel is made in India delay will be much less.
Which is why I am assuming a 10 year cycle instead of a 14 year cycle. If CSL has already started some work on the carrier by assembling tooling, getting in touch with suppliers, etc., we could reduce it further to 8-9 years.
Japan builds a similar size of commercial ship in less than a year time ,korea also takes less than 1 year but our industries need 7 years for this?? Better collaborate with Japan for some of ship building tech they will happily help although budget might go little higher this time but for next it will save a fortune
Given a large-ish order, even we can build merchant ships fairly quickly. It is difficult to build warships fast, however.
An aircraft carrier is a sitting duck for drones and missiles. Why does India just copy what other countries have done in the past and not think futuristic!
Thats very Good news .Funds & order should b placed immidiately without wasting Time, HAL should b ready by 2034 with TEDBF delivery.
Seems like we might not even go with Rafale-M due to the exorbitant cost and lack of offsets, better to induct Naval Tejas instead.

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