IAF Issues Sanction Order for Domestic Lightning Detection System to Enhance Safety for Military and Civil Aviation


In a significant move towards bolstering self-reliance in defence technology, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has awarded a project to two Indian companies for the design and development of a domestically-built Lightning Detection System.

The announcement was made today by Air Vice Marshal Jitender Singh Sihmar, Assistant Chief of Air Staff Operations (Meteorology).

This project, falling under the "Make-II" category of defence procurement, emphasizes the IAF's commitment to promoting indigenous design and manufacturing capabilities within India.

The system will comprise a sophisticated network of sensors designed to detect atmospheric lightning strikes, providing crucial early warnings to safeguard military assets and enhance the safety of both military and civilian aviation.

The data gathered by this system will be shared with civilian agencies, contributing to public safety by providing timely alerts about potential lightning hazards. This initiative aligns with the IAF's broader strategy to reduce dependence on foreign-sourced equipment and foster the growth of India's domestic defence industry.

The development of this indigenous Lightning Detection System not only strengthens the IAF's operational capabilities but also marks a significant step towards achieving self-reliance in critical defence technologies.
This is exactly what we need to keep doing. Any foreign parts or technology in use should be replaced with a 100% indigenously designed, developed and manufactured with Indian content.

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