India Alarmed: Second Hangar on Coco Island Fuels Security Fears

India Alarmed: Second Hangar on Coco Island Fuels Security Fears

India's security concerns surrounding the strategic Coco Islands have been heightened following the discovery of a second military aircraft hangar via recent satellite imagery. The construction reinforces suspicions about the Myanmar-controlled island's potential use for foreign military and surveillance activities.

Last year, India voiced strong objections over the prospect of China gaining access to Coco Island. Analysts fear that Chinese monitoring facilities on the island could be used to track Indian missile launches from the Balasore test range in Odisha, as well as surveil key military assets near Visakhapatnam.

Myanmar's military regime has repeatedly dismissed claims of Chinese involvement in Coco Island's militarization, which has included extending runways, building hardened shelters, and setting up monitoring capabilities.

The new hangar raises fresh anxieties in the region. Experts suggest the increased infrastructure could pave the way for the deployment of more military aircraft to the island. This, in turn, would give Myanmar a greater ability to conduct surveillance or potentially bolster its military presence in the strategically vital Bay of Bengal.

While the precise purpose and potential of the new hangar remain shrouded in uncertainty, its existence represents a significant development in a region of increasing geopolitical complexity.

India and its allies will be closely watching for further developments on Coco Island and the evolving posture of Myanmar's military towards its powerful neighbor, China.
Islands & lands gifted to other nations by the anti national scamgress are becoming a danger for Bharat's security.
India should support some militant orgs in Myanmar. China is able to blackmail Myanmar Govt. as it tacitly support rebels in Myanmar. This due it, China has become de facto owner of Myanmar. India should have heavily fenced border, suspended FMR, and supported some rebels probably Chin rebels as they're in strategic area near Bay of Bengal.

Indian Govt. must always remember that FMR and non-fenced border is the reason militants move freely and smuggle weapons. If heavily fenced then militancy will have died a long ago!!
Myanmar must be read the riot act on these islands, and if they don't play ball well other covert operations need to be employed including unknown gunmen.
India should support some militant orgs in Myanmar. China is able to blackmail Myanmar Govt. as it tacitly support rebels in Myanmar. This due it, China has become de facto owner of Myanmar. India should have heavily fenced border, suspended FMR, and supported some rebels probably Chin rebels as they're in strategic area near Bay of Bengal.

Indian Govt. must always remember that FMR and non-fenced border is the reason militants move freely and smuggle weapons. If heavily fenced then militancy will have died a long ago!!
This is terrible idea. If this happens then myanmar govt will give free reign to anti india naga militants hiding in myanmar. India has been doing cross border raids against them with support from myanmar army.

Myanmar army is our best partner for securing our north east from naga militants. We cant rely in ragtag bunch of rebels to safeguard our security interests in our noth east
India should deploy EW assets around this island in peacetime to mess with their surveilance.

During wartime, we can blow it up in few minutes, it is no concern. We just tested brahmos from andaman recently. This island will serve as target practice
Nehru's blunder of gifting Indian land to China and Pakistan have been well documented but what slips under the radar is how he gifted away one of the tactically important Coco Islands to China through the Burmese government and as a result, the current Xi Jinping authoritarian regime has access to an island which by
Need to do operations deep with China and outside to hurt Chinas interests and run them out from Indias neighborhoods. These nasty people deserve to be bushwhacked.
This is terrible idea. If this happens then myanmar govt will give free reign to anti india naga militants hiding in myanmar. India has been doing cross border raids against them with support from myanmar army.

Myanmar army is our best partner for securing our north east from naga militants. We cant rely in ragtag bunch of rebels to safeguard our security interests in our noth east
yes...but at this moment we must see who will help India most in todays situation and do accordingly.
This is terrible idea. If this happens then myanmar govt will give free reign to anti india naga militants hiding in myanmar. India has been doing cross border raids against them with support from myanmar army.

Myanmar army is our best partner for securing our north east from naga militants. We cant rely in ragtag bunch of rebels to safeguard our security interests in our noth east
Only on cover they're acting against NE Militants to fool India. If Junta go though on those militants then China will intervene and broker ceasefire because breaking NE rebels will be against Chinese interest. And under the guise of ceasefire with Junta, those militants will start acting against India.

Myanmar Junta is never best partner for India due to China factor and mainly due to overstretched military resource of Junta which cannot wipe nor weaken NE rebels. Best is to do what China is doing to Myanmar and heavily fence and militarize the border so that militants don't enter India and smuggle arms. Only after that, military operations in Manipur/Nagaland can yield great results.
India should deploy EW assets around this island in peacetime to mess with their surveilance.

During wartime, we can blow it up in few minutes, it is no concern. We just tested brahmos from andaman recently. This island will serve as target practice
Why not compromise these infrastructures now? By clandestine operations like the CIA does.
It is time for the external intelligence agencies to get active and do their job in sabotaging these structures. This can be done in many ways beside physical destruction - destroy the power stations, sabotage supply routes, water supply, small drone sightings etc etc.

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