India Centralizes Military Munitions Export, Department of Defence Production Becomes Sole Licensing Authority


In a move aimed at streamlining and centralizing the export of munitions, the Indian government has designated the Department of Defence Production (DDP) as the sole licensing authority for all items under Category 6 of the SCOMET (Special Chemicals Organisms Materials Equipment and Technologies) list intended for military use.

This significant development was announced by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) on Tuesday as part of the updated SCOMET list for 2024.

The SCOMET list, which regulates the export of dual-use items, nuclear-related products, and military goods, has been updated to reflect recent changes in the control lists of multilateral export control regimes and policy amendments based on inputs from various stakeholders. Category 6 of the SCOMET list includes munitions such as weapons, rifles, and magazines.

This centralization of licensing authority under the DDP is expected to bring greater efficiency and coordination to the export process for military goods. It aligns with India's commitment to responsible export practices and its membership in key multilateral export control regimes such as the Missile Technology Control Regime, Wassenaar Arrangement, and Australia Group.

The DGFT has also acknowledged the substantial increase in SCOMET exports over the past three years. In response, it has undertaken several initiatives to facilitate authorized and responsible exports of these high-end goods and technologies, based on regular interactions with the industry.

This move comes at a time when India is increasingly focusing on its defence manufacturing capabilities and exports. The centralization of munitions export licensing under the DDP could further bolster this effort, ensuring greater control and oversight while promoting responsible trade practices.

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