India Deserves Permanent UNSC Seat, UK Should Step Aside: Fr Singapore Diplomat


New Delhi: In an exclusive interview with NDTV, former Singaporean diplomat Professor Kishore Mahbubani has advocated for urgent reforms in the United Nations Security Council, specifically highlighting India's rightful place as a permanent member.

Professor Mahbubani asserted that India, as the third most powerful country after the United States and China, deserves a permanent seat on the UNSC. He further suggested that the United Kingdom, no longer a "great power," should relinquish its seat to India.

Citing the UK's reluctance to use its veto power for fear of backlash, the former diplomat argued that the logical course of action would be for the UK to give up its seat to India.

He also underscored the need for broader UN reforms, pointing to the founders' vision of ensuring all great powers have a vested interest in the organization to guarantee its success. The collapse of the League of Nations, he said, highlighted the importance of including contemporary great powers, not just those of the past.

Professor Mahbubani suggested that relinquishing its seat would also benefit the UK, allowing it more independence in its actions.

These statements highlight the ongoing debate surrounding UN reforms and India's growing prominence on the global stage. While the path to such reforms remains complex, this interview underscores the increasing calls for a more representative and effective UN Security Council.
Only China benefits from confusion, and Madhubani is a Chinese sympathizer, so it is obvious to kill any change than make progress…in theory no one gives up their seat for others so only viable option is UNSC expansion of permanent members to 10 = P5 + India + Japan + Germany + Brazil + African Union, with decisions to be passed with at least 80% majority, so no one country can veto…China and its minions are the only obstacle and the expansion proposal must be put for vote in the UNGA, so the no votes are public and official…
The entitlement of UNSC seat is a manifestation of sustainment of colonial interests, and not whether it is deserved or not!
Only China benefits from confusion, and Madhubani is a Chinese sympathizer, so it is obvious to kill any change than make progress…in theory no one gives up their seat for others so only viable option is UNSC expansion of permanent members to 10 = P5 + India + Japan + Germany + Brazil + African Union, with decisions to be passed with at least 80% majority, so no one country can veto…China and its minions are the only obstacle and the expansion proposal must be put for vote in the UNGA, so the no votes are public and official…
Requiring 80% majority is a double edged sword. This could also become an obstacle for making the right decisions.
The same thing to G7, is the UK a relevant country because they are the stooge of the US.
Only China benefits from confusion, and Madhubani is a Chinese sympathizer, so it is obvious to kill any change than make progress…in theory no one gives up their seat for others so only viable option is UNSC expansion of permanent members to 10 = P5 + India + Japan + Germany + Brazil + African Union, with decisions to be passed with at least 80% majority, so no one country can veto…China and its minions are the only obstacle and the expansion proposal must be put for vote in the UNGA, so the no votes are public and official…
UN is an eye wash. Its white people dominance over the world. It will never ever happen. Power is taken, not given.
No permanent member of UNSC will let go of their membership. To become a member there must first be a UNSC reforms bill that needs to get passed with majority voting under these reforms there need to be a clause that supports extension of permanent members. Once this is done out of 193 UN member states the bill should get more than 2/3 majority in favour(129 members approval), this should also include an approval from all P5 countries without anyone using their veto to strike down the bill. Most likely it will be China which can veto the bill citing India's inclusion as India isn't a signatory of NPT(that recognises only 5 nuclear powers). This is exactly why India wants to join NSG without signing NPT that would counter this argument. It's too complicated for India specifically vis a vis China.
No matter what the UK aren’t going to give up any of their path or patern.

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