India Re-evaluates Gorkha Recruitment Amid Geopolitical Shifts

India Re-evaluates Gorkha Recruitment Amid Geopolitical Shifts

The historic tradition of Gorkha soldiers serving in the Indian Army faces an uncertain future as India grapples with geopolitical shifts and evolving socio-political landscapes in Nepal.

This enduring relationship, established during the British colonial era, has seen Gorkha regiments play a crucial role in numerous conflicts, solidifying their reputation as an integral part of India's defense forces. However, recent developments, including the introduction of India's Agnipath scheme and Nepal's growing closeness with China, have raised concerns about the future of Gorkha recruitment.

The Agnipath scheme, a recruitment model offering shorter service durations, has met with resistance from potential Gorkha recruits and the Nepali government due to concerns about job security and long-term prospects. Additionally, Nepal's evolving foreign policy has introduced a new dimension to the issue, as India's reliance on Nepali Gorkhas might be viewed with increased scrutiny.

The Gorkha recruitment issue is not merely a military concern but also a matter of socio-political significance, as Gorkha soldiers hold a place of pride in Nepal's cultural identity. Any alterations to this long-standing tradition could have far-reaching implications for India-Nepal relations.

To navigate this complex landscape, India is exploring various avenues, including diplomatic dialogues with Nepal and potential modifications to the Agnipath scheme. Additionally, India is considering expanding recruitment efforts within its own borders, targeting regions with significant Gorkha populations.

The future of Gorkha recruitment remains uncertain, but the Indian government and the Indian Army are committed to honoring the legacy of the Gorkha soldiers while adapting to the evolving regional dynamics. The goal is to ensure that this historic bond remains strong and relevant for years to come.
May be our army wants to import even our soldiers - they have started by stopping recruitment of the brave Gou-rakkhas, next will be Sikhs, Rajputs, Marathas ....! The licence to recruit foren soldiers will be given to Ad@nis!
No Dilemma at all.
Just junk the Nepalese Gurkha recruitment as they became inimical towards India.
Stop feeding the countries that are backstabbing India repeatedly.

Go with locally settled Gurkha and Tibetan children for the soldier's recruitments to build those specific regiments.
We have our own rules. If someone cannot follow those rules, just ignore them. There is no compulsion of following any British era traditions.
This is a clear indication that this wasn't the best time to implement Agniveer-Scheme.

It would've been better if Agniveer-Scheme was launched when India has neutralized the Pakistani threat on the Western border.

Pakistani Military & Society has been greatly radicalized, allowing Extremist & Terrorist groups to easily find suitable candidates for their jobs.

Expecting Soldiers with only a 4-year contract with the Military to show the same loyalty & enthusiasm as someone who joined Military for life doesn't makes sense.

Indian Army's infantry divisions were deeply entrenched with the Regimental system that boasted about Racial, Caste, Cultural & Historical ethos of the Regiment as both the Soldiers & Officers were part of the Military for life.

I think it would've been better to reduce the size of Infantry Battalions with time for certain Regiments & increase the size for Regiments focused on High-Altitute Warfare.

Indian-Govt's Short-Service-Commission program also doesn't makes sense & hasn't resulted in any benefits for the Military.
May be our army wants to import even our soldiers - they have started by stopping recruitment of the brave Gou-rakkhas, next will be Sikhs, Rajputs, Marathas ....! The licence to recruit foren soldiers will be given to Ad@nis!
And Gorkhas are not foreigners, right? If anything, IA is stopping imports and hiring desis.
Gurkhas in large numbers are also in Kalimpong area. No shortage of recruits.
The current article is not about those. And those Gurkhas can anyways apply under Indian citizenship. This particular step is regarding Nepalese Gurkhas.
Ok it was a tradition. In last 100 yrs, magi noodles, burgers and pizza had actually reduced anyone's qualities and valour. Gorka's generation are no different . Gone are those days. Today they are fighting enemies in PubG mobile app. So they are no different from others
It was just a ruse by the pro china Nepal govt to stop gurkhas from joining the Indian Army. Agniveer is a good scheme designed for giving employment opportunities to maximum people along with trained security skills for employment in other sectors.
Those Gurkha recruits from mountainous remote areas are tough as nails, there is a difference between one who has toiled hard all his life in the hills to those who have lived sedentary lives. The hill guys are naturally hardier and have more stamina especially for mountain warfare . Why do you think the British still go lengths to recruit the best of them. I have seen soldiers and para military from plains states ,struggle in the hills and mountains of my state that our average guys carry loads effortlessly. Also removing this relationship will further push Nepal in the arms of China, we have a hostile Pakistan, Sri Lanka courting China, Bangladesh can flip anytime, Myanmar a mess and China trying to make inroads into Bhutan.
There are approximately 13.5 Lakhs Gorkhas in the District of Darjeeling and Kalimpong (WEST BENGAL) alone, came with the land when Treaty of Sugauli,1815 was signed between the then British India and the Nepalese counterpart. We are a proper citizen of Bharat and ethnic Gorkha which means there won't be any numerical problem for recruitment. Instead of giving employment opportunity to the people from other country why not recruit our own citizens from here exclusively based on ethnicity. Lot of young boys do join army from here but the ratio of recruitment from our areas is very low to average, Assam Rifles, GR's mostly so why not keep GR,s reserved solely for Indian Gorkhas only!

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