India Remains Top Arms Importer Despite Domestic Production Push: SIPRI Report

India Remains Top Arms Importer Despite Domestic Production Push: SIPRI Report

Despite India's ambitious "Atmanirbhar Bharat" (self-reliance) initiative aimed at boosting domestic defense manufacturing, the country remains the world's largest arms importer. This is according to the latest data released by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

While India has made reducing reliance on foreign-made weapons a priority, its arms imports actually increased by 4.7% between the 2014-2018 and 2019-2023 periods. Analysts attribute this rise to persistent border tensions with both China and Pakistan.

Shifting Supplier Base​

A significant development highlighted in the SIPRI report is the diversification of India's arms suppliers. For the first time since the 1960s, Russia accounted for less than half (36%) of India's arms imports.

This indicates a conscious effort by India to reduce its historical dependence on Russia, potentially influenced by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on the Russian arms industry.

The China Factor​

Regional security concerns remain a key driver of India's arms procurement. China continues to be a significant factor, supplying a massive 82% of neighboring Pakistan's weapons imports while maintaining close military ties.

The volatile geopolitical environment in the Indian subcontinent is likely to sustain India's need for advanced weaponry.
This is happening because of for some pvt companies so called screwdriver make in India projects.... With no R&D just repainting job.. and IA also fall those much hipe products catalogue... Just now what happens to MALE UAV... Drishti -10 UAV of Adani gives much below performance than Tapas...
If IA changes it's mindset, then indegenization will automatically take off.
Dude, Indian military is spending a lot more on equipment as well since 4 years ago. There should be data on how much the share of imports has increased or decreased in our overall procurement expenditure. For eg, if our total budget was 4 billion but we were buying 2 billion back then, share of imports would have been 50%, 4 years ago. present- total budget 8 billion, imports 3 billion, then imports has increased by 1 billion but share of imports has decreased. You get it??
Indian military is spending a lot more on equipment as well since 4 years ago. There should be data on how much the share of imports has increased or decreased in our overall procurement expenditure.
Imports are higher as Indian military don't buy local they like dollar to spend
This is happening because of for some pvt companies so called screwdriver make in India projects.... With no R&D just repainting job.. and IA also fall those much hipe products catalogue... Just now what happens to MALE UAV... Drishti -10 UAV of Adani gives much below performance than Tapas...
Commissions .... Commissions... it rules our military eqpt import policy
India has been cutting down on a lot of weapons imports but because we use Russian jets, tanks, IFV or helicopters etc along with Russian technology we still need to rely on Russia to provide those items such as spares and servicing. We have also been importing critical missiles from Israel for SAM defence system or Kalvari submarines from France as these items have advanced technology and weapons that we need until we develop our own products 100% indigenously.

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