India to Host its First Multinational Air Exercise, Tarang Shakti, in August

India to Host its First Multinational Air Exercise, Tarang Shakti, in August

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is set to make history this August by hosting its first-ever multinational air exercise, Tarang Shakti-2024. The exercise is slated to be held in two phases, with the initial phase commencing in the first two weeks of August in southern India, followed by the second phase in the western sector from late August to mid-September.

Tarang Shakti-2024 will witness the participation of air contingents from ten nations, including Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Notably, Germany's contribution will include both fighter jets and an A-400M transport aircraft, a potential contender in India's ongoing procurement process for medium transport aircraft.

This landmark exercise comes on the heels of the IAF's recent involvement in the U.S. Air Force's Red Flag exercise, where the IAF showcased its Rafale fighter jets for the first time.

The Red Flag experience provided valuable insights into interoperability with international partners and collaborative mission planning, further bolstering the IAF's preparedness for Tarang Shakti-2024.

The exercise is expected to enhance interoperability between participating nations, foster knowledge exchange, and strengthen collective air power. It also serves as a testament to India's growing military cooperation and commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the region.

As the IAF gears up for Tarang Shakti-2024, it marks a significant milestone in India's defence capabilities and its growing role as a regional power. The exercise not only showcases the IAF's advancements but also fosters closer ties with its international partners, paving the way for greater cooperation and collaboration in the future.

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