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An Indian Army officer has successfully developed the "Kharga" Kamikaze Drone, an innovative and cost-effective aerial system designed for modern warfare.
Priced at approximately ₹30,000 per unit, this lightweight and easily manufactured drone is capable of conducting Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions as well as executing precision kamikaze strikes against enemy targets.
The Kharga drone boasts a minimalistic design, constructed from readily available materials, making it both affordable and easy to produce in large quantities. This allows for rapid deployment in combat situations, providing a tactical advantage on the battlefield.
Despite its low cost, the Kharga is equipped with advanced capabilities:
- High-definition camera: Enables real-time ISR operations, providing high-quality imagery to operators for enhanced situational awareness.
- Explosive payload: Allows for precision strikes against enemy personnel, vehicles, and infrastructure.
- GPS navigation: Ensures accurate targeting and autonomous operation, increasing the drone's effectiveness in challenging environments.
- Low radar signature: The drone's unconventional construction materials and design minimize its radar detectability.
- Electromagnetic countermeasures: The drone is equipped with countermeasures to resist enemy electronic warfare jamming attempts.
The drone's low cost and expendable nature allow for saturation attacks or high-risk missions without significant resource constraints. This capability offers a tactical advantage, enabling the Indian Army to overwhelm enemy defenses or conduct daring operations with minimal risk to personnel and expensive equipment.
The Kharga drone draws parallels to similar systems used in the Russia-Ukraine war, where kamikaze drones have proven highly effective in targeting enemy assets. Its development aligns with a broader trend of militaries worldwide adopting low-cost, high-impact solutions to gain an edge on the battlefield.