Indian Army Orders 700 "Indianized" Trinetra Drones from AeroArc for Surveillance in J&K and High-Altitude Areas


In a move to enhance surveillance capabilities, the Indian Army has placed a significant order for nearly 700 Trinetra drones. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are a modified version of a design originally developed by the American startup, Skydio, and are currently utilized by both the US Department of Defense and the Ukrainian military.

The Trinetra drones have been adapted for Indian conditions by AeroArc, an Indian firm based in Coimbatore.

Arjun Aggarwal, AeroArc's managing director and founder, emphasized the "Indianization" process, stating that the drones have been modified to withstand India's diverse and extreme climates, ranging from the sub-zero temperatures of the Himalayas to the scorching heat of the desert regions. This customization ensures optimal performance in challenging environments and high-altitude areas, particularly crucial for surveillance operations in Jammu and Kashmir.

Aggarwal highlighted the drone's advanced capabilities, stating that its six cameras and autonomous navigation system allow it to maneuver through obstacles without relying on direct sight from the operator. The inclusion of two thermal cameras further enhances its ability to detect individuals concealed under foliage.

While the original Skydio drones faced challenges in Ukraine due to Russian electronic warfare tactics, Aggarwal assured that the Trinetra drones have been adapted to address such issues. He cited the drone's successful deployment in Ukraine after modifications, where it played a key role in gathering evidence of war crimes. This information aligns with a July social media post by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin, who acknowledged the drone's contribution to documenting damage caused by Russian shelling.

The Trinetra is not AeroArc's first venture into supplying the Indian Army with advanced technology. The company has previously provided 100 robotic MULEs (Multi-Utility Legged Equipment) designed in collaboration with the American firm Ghost Robotics. These robotic "dogs," equipped with thermal cameras and capable of traversing difficult terrain, are already being deployed for surveillance and logistics support.

This investment in drone technology underscores the Indian Army's commitment to modernizing its surveillance capabilities, particularly in strategically important and challenging terrains. The Trinetra drones, with their advanced features and adaptability to Indian conditions, are expected to play a crucial role in enhancing border security and counter-insurgency operations.

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