Indian Defence Forces Most Trusted Institution in India, Survey Reveals


A recent survey conducted by Ipsos India has revealed that the country's defence forces, along with the Prime Minister, are the most trusted institutions in India for the year 2024.

The Ipsos IndiaBus Most Trusted Institutions survey, spanning various demographics and geographies, showed that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Supreme Court, and the Election Commission also ranked high in terms of public trust.

Parijat Chakraborty, a senior leader at Ipsos India, highlighted that the top-ranking institutions are seen as upholding the highest standards of integrity and values. The survey indicated strong trust in the defence forces among urban dwellers, residents in the north and west, and those above 45 years of age. Trust in the Prime Minister was similarly high in these groups, and also among those with lower educational qualifications.

Interestingly, despite perceived improvements in accountability and service, political parties and individual politicians ranked lower in terms of public trust, highlighting an ongoing area of skepticism.

The survey did not provide specific trust percentages for each institution. However, the Ipsos IndiaBus website indicates that the defence forces secured a 65% trust rating, followed by the RBI at 50%, and the Prime Minister at 49%.

While the survey results offer a snapshot of the current trust landscape in India, Chakraborty emphasized the need for continued exemplary work and adherence to values to maintain and strengthen this trust over time.

S.NoMost Trusted InstitutionsScores
1Defence Forces (army, navy & airforce)54%
2PM of Country49%
3The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)48%
4Supreme Court of India45%
5Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)43%
6Election Commission of India41%
10NGOs/ Charitable Institutions34%
11Community Leaders34%
12Religious Leaders33%
14Political parties30%

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