Indian Navy Expands Maritime Footprint Through Multifaceted Diplomacy


The Indian Navy is rapidly expanding its influence in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and beyond through a multifaceted approach to naval diplomacy.

This strategy combines increased deployments, joint exercises, foreign training programs, and swift humanitarian aid to strengthen regional ties, enhance security, and counter piracy.

Increased Deployments and Global Reach​

In 2023 and 2024, the Indian Navy has deployed over 80 ships and submarines to more than 50 foreign ports, a significant increase compared to previous decades. These deployments have extended to diverse regions, including the French Reunion Islands, Africa, Europe, and the South China Sea.

The Navy's participation in exercises like RIMPAC, the world's largest naval exercise, and bilateral exercises with countries like Japan (JIMEX) further highlight its global reach.

Strengthening Partnerships Through Exercises and Training​

Joint exercises, such as the Malabar naval exercises with the US, Japan, and Australia, and the Quad's Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness (IPMDA) initiative, play a crucial role in enhancing maritime cooperation and information sharing.

The Indian Navy also offers training programs to personnel from neighboring countries, including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius, and Myanmar. Additionally, it has established naval training teams in Bangladesh and Myanmar, furthering its commitment to capacity building in the region.

Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Relief​

The Indian Navy has a long history of providing swift aid during disasters in the IOR. From the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami to recent cyclones and natural disasters, the Navy has consistently been a first responder, providing essential supplies and assistance to affected communities.

"Net Security Provider" in the Indian Ocean​

India's "Neighborhood First" and "Security and Growth for All in the Region" (SAGAR) policies underscore its commitment to being a "net security provider" in the IOR.

This role involves safeguarding maritime trade routes, countering piracy, and ensuring the overall security of the region. The Navy's expanding reach, including deployments to the Gulf of Guinea and the Mediterranean, reflects its growing influence beyond the IOR.


The Indian Navy's multifaceted approach to naval diplomacy is yielding significant results in expanding its footprint and influence. By combining deployments, exercises, training, and humanitarian aid, the Navy is strengthening partnerships, enhancing security, and promoting stability in the Indian Ocean Region and beyond.

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