India's 15-Year Anti-Tank Missile Saga: From Spike to Javelin and Back Again


India's quest for a reliable anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) system has been a long and winding road, spanning over 15 years and involving multiple twists and turns. The latest development sees India and the United States rekindling talks for the joint production of Javelin ATGMs, marking a return to an option initially considered in 2010.

This complex saga began with India's intent to procure the US-made Javelins in 2010. However, the deal faced roadblocks due to disagreements over technology transfer and field trials. This led India to opt for Israel's Spike ATGMs in 2014, a decision that also faced subsequent setbacks and cancellations.

In parallel, India pursued the development of an indigenous solution, the Man Portable Anti-Tank Guided Missile (MP-ATGM), led by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). However, reports suggest the MP-ATGM falls short of the Army's desired specifications in terms of weight and portability.

The Javelin system, meanwhile, has garnered international acclaim for its effectiveness in recent conflicts, including its use by Ukrainian forces against Russian armor. The US has consistently advocated for the joint production of Javelins in India, viewing it as a means to enhance India's defence capabilities and deepen bilateral defence cooperation.

Recent high-level discussions between India and the US, including a visit by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, have reignited the possibility of joint Javelin production in India. This development represents a significant shift in India's ATGM procurement strategy, as it once again considers a system that was nearly acquired over a decade ago.

Defence experts attribute this renewed interest in Javelins to the system's proven capabilities and the challenges faced in securing alternative solutions. The successful joint production of Javelins in India would not only bolster the Indian Army's anti-tank arsenal but also signify a major milestone in India-US defence collaboration.

As India's anti-tank missile saga continues, the Javelin deal presents a potential resolution to a long-standing quest for a reliable and effective ATGM system. However, the outcome of the ongoing negotiations and the future of India's indigenous ATGM development remain uncertain, leaving the final chapter of this saga yet to be written.

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