India's AWEIL Enters Competition with Upgraded Dhanush Howitzer for Indian Army's Towed Gun System Program


Location: India
India's Advanced Weapons and Equipment India Limited (AWEIL) has entered the competition for the Indian Army's Towed Gun System (TGS) program, claiming its upgraded Dhanush 155 mm/52 calibre towed howitzer surpasses all requirements and offers superior capabilities.

The gun has completed proof firing and internal testing and is ready for user demonstrations. AWEIL's initial orders are for 400 units, and the upgraded Dhanush integrates a unified sighting system for both day and night engagements.
What is the status of the delivery of the 114 gun DHANUSH earlier order ? How many of the 114 guns are delivered ?
What is the status of the delivery of the 114 gun DHANUSH earlier order ? How many of the 114 guns are delivered ?
18 and most of them faulty and delayed. Delivery start in 2019 and with bad quality of first 18 guns, the rest is unclear. probably going back to fix.

Responsible people must be punished for this this
IA must do accelerated testing of this gun - they need these 400 Dhanush 155mmx52cal towed guns to replace Bofors guns i/o ATHOS. After supplying all 114 Dhanush 45cal guns on order, AWEIL needs to really pull up it's socks & sleeves to supply these 400 guns expeditiously.
Indian army wants to give order to some foreign country like Israel. No chance of desi companies for big order. Army always find some problem in desi products
Plainly speaking, just order any working Howitzers and Field Guns which Indian producers can manufacture and deploy them immediately in two fronts before war breaks out.

And then fund all those companies to keep improving the product, and then do Block Upgrade.

Absolutely NO FOEREIGN MAALS please.
Like seen with the Dhanush itself,OFB will fail to produce the required number of guns within the allotted timeframe and budget.
What is the status of the delivery of the 114 gun DHANUSH earlier order ?
Their status is unclear. No information on how many howitzers have been delivered, no information on which Army Units are currently using them and no information on feedback from those units. 🤣
Price is one concern but timely delivery should also be considered alongwith quality if these happens than it will be truly atmanirbhar weapon system
Indian army wants to give order to some foreign country like Israel. No chance of desi companies for big order. Army always find some problem in desi products
Reliable, cost-effective and battle proven, that's what any Commander would want. That's what the Athos is but not the ATAGS or the Dhanush. The Bharat 52 is the best indigenous hope, its based on a proven South African design and the design rights and tooling for manufacture is in India.
➥The Dhanush gun barrel is autofrettaged on computer controlled autofrettage machine in use is assembled in India by M/S Therelac Engineering, Bengaluru in collaboration with M/S Elmhurst System, USA and Thyssen Krupp of Germany. It can generate up to 14000 bar pressure with Anti-buckling system. This machine was commissioned in 2019.

➥The quality of steel for the barrels and the process of barrel manufacture is so advanced that even the Bofors Test Centre, Sweden indented three 155mm/52 caliber barrels from OFB for testing their new generation ammunition incl RDX and HMX based ammunitions for large caliber artillery guns. BAE Systems have confirmed that the barrels supplied by the OFB, India are performing very well.

➥Accuracy ≤ 1.0 %; Consistency: (i) Range ≤ 0.8% (ii) Line ≤ 0.2%

➥ Estimated EFC: ~2000 rounds
Reliable, cost-effective and battle proven, that's what any Commander would want. That's what the Athos is but not the ATAGS or the Dhanush. The Bharat 52 is the best indigenous hope, its based on a proven South African design and the design rights and tooling for manufacture is in India.
Yes but if Indian army will not give order for indigenous products then who will purchase them and how it will be battle proven. There's always some problem with almost all products, but they can be fix and upgrade. They are testing for several years without results and order. But purchase foreign product without much trial whether it will work in all weather and Indian conditions
What a misplaced self confidence EWI.. whatever... no account of supply of 114 guns since ages, but the article makes look really Great...
Reliable, cost-effective and battle proven, that's what any Commander would want. That's what the Athos is but not the ATAGS or the Dhanush. The Bharat 52 is the best indigenous hope, its based on a proven South African design and the design rights and tooling for manufacture is in India.
Forces will have to test desi systems comprehensively and take a leap of faith. Imported army can not win prolonged wars, if some how they do then economy will bleed.
Yes but if Indian army will not give order for indigenous products then who will purchase them and how it will be battle proven. There's always some problem with almost all products, but they can be fix and upgrade. They are testing for several years without results and order. But purchase foreign product without much trial whether it will work in all weather and Indian conditions
A simple question bro. Forget deficiencies or shortcomings. My question is, why does DRDO intentionally make products which don’t meet the specs given by the armed forces?

Look at ATAGS for example. Any system in this class worldwide is in sub-16 ton category. Even desi systems like Dhanush 52 or Bharat 52 weigh less than 16 tons. All of army’s GCVs have a towing capacity of 16 tons or less.

So there is no way DRDO didn’t know that the ATAGS has to weigh less than 16 tons. So which genius decided to ignore it and make an 18 ton gun? Army is still going for it, but has to shell out a lot of money for new GCVs. This means that they have to now buy 300 guns instead of the original requirement of 400.

Any answers to this amazing work ethic of DRDO?
Any answers to this amazing work ethic of DRDO?
ok if DRDO products are heavy weight then Army can buy Dhanush 52 and Bharat 52 after trial but they are not considering it. They can use old age Bofors guns but not Dhanush 52 or Bharat 52. Atags is heavier due to some extra features which other guns did not have. Arjun tank is heavy due to army requirements to include most of the features in a single tank. Army wants commission or cheap and best product in world which no indian company or drdo able to build currently. Extra functionalities may add some extra weight too

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