India's AWEIL Enters Competition with Upgraded Dhanush Howitzer for Indian Army's Towed Gun System Program

Any answers to this amazing work ethic of DRDO?
DRDO and PSUs like HAL must be transformed...But I would encourage desi manufacturing, design, development, upgrades and maintenance even if they are a shade (keyword here) behind foreign maal...We cannot be atmanirbhar with foreign maal...Yes it will take 15-25 years by 2040-2050 to become fully capable in most areas but we must not give up the fight and goals...Jai Hind...Jai Bharat...
ok if DRDO products are heavy weight then Army can buy Dhanush 52 and Bharat 52 after trial but they are not considering it. They can use old age Bofors guns but not Dhanush 52 or Bharat 52. Atags is heavier due to some extra features which other guns did not have. Arjun tank is heavy due to army requirements to include most of the features in a single tank. Army wants commission or cheap and best product in world which no indian company or drdo able to build currently. Extra functionalities may add some extra weight too
Bro, who said Army is not testing them? The trials for the relevant tender have not happened. In fact, it’s guaranteed that ATAGS will be inducted as army has already released the tender for 20 ton GCVs, which will only be needed for ATAGS and there is no other possible usage for them. So your argument that army wants to import or commission doesn’t hold any water.

And please don’t give me the ‘extra weight for extra features’ BS. As I said, all of army’s GCVs are for 16 ton class howitzers. No one else in the world has a 16 ton+ howitzer in this class. So it should have been crystal clear to any sane person that even if the howitzer was throwing nuclear bomb level shells at the cost of throwing stones, it is pointless. Anything that takes the weight above 16 tons is not an extra feature but a burden. This weight is a critical factor.

So the question you didn’t answer is this. Why did DRDO ignore this super critical requirement? Did they intend the gun to fail on purpose? Ignoring this requirement is akin to treason by wastage of 100s or 1000s of crores of rupees or forcing the army to have a lesser number of guns.

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