India's BMP-2s to Receive Homegrown Power Boost for Superior Performance in Ladakh

India's BMP-2s to Receive Homegrown Power Boost for Superior Performance in Ladakh

In a move to strengthen India's mechanized forces, the Defence Ministry's CCS (Cabinet Committee on Security) has greenlit a major upgrade for the BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle – a vital component of the Indian Army.

This modernization takes on added significance amidst the ongoing tensions in Eastern Ladakh, where BMP-2s play a frontline role in countering Chinese forces.

Indigenous Innovation Drives Power Boost​

The BMP-2, manufactured under Russian license by the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB), is poised for a substantial performance surge. Bangalore-based Pinaka Aerospace Solutions is the linchpin of this endeavor, having developed a fully indigenous Transmission Control Unit (TCU). This core component optimizes power delivery as part of the vehicle's broader engine upgrade.

A Comprehensive Modernization​

The BMP-2 enhancement project extends far beyond engine improvements. The program promises a suite of upgrades aimed at maximizing the vehicle's combat effectiveness:
  • Night Vision Capabilities: Enhanced situational awareness and operational capability in low-light environments.
  • Ballistic Fire Control System: Improved targeting precision for greater battlefield impact.
  • Upgraded Communication Systems: Optimized coordination and information flow during combat operations.
  • Enhanced Armor Protection: Increased crew survivability against enemy fire.

Navigating Demanding Terrain​

A key test for the upgraded BMP-2s lies in their ability to seamlessly integrate the new engine and transmission systems within the rigors of India's diverse and often unforgiving operational environments, particularly mountainous regions like Eastern Ladakh.

Pinaka's TCU aims to meet this challenge head-on:
  • Automatic Gear Shifting: Smoother, more responsive gear changes vital for handling difficult terrain.
  • Optimum Power Delivery: Ensuring maximum power transfer to the sprockets for optimal performance across all conditions.
  • Integrated Steering and Braking: Combining maneuverability functions for superior handling in challenging landscapes.

India's Self-Reliant Mechanized Force​

The BMP-2 upgrade, with Pinaka's indigenous TCU as a driving force, represents a determined step towards enhancing the Indian Army's mechanized infantry capabilities and bolstering self-reliance in defence technology.

This modernization promises to deliver a more powerful, adaptable, and combat-ready BMP-2 fleet – a crucial asset in India's defence posture.
There is a case to be made that we should be going for an entirely new IFV as well, but the Army seems to be mostly fixated on the BMP-2 only. Oh well, they know more than we do. Still, some work should be undertaken for a new IFV.
While I am not a big fan of traditional Russian approach towards armoured vehicles,it's good to see private sector finally stepping up and providing decent upgrades to older gear in order to make it competitive enough in modern warfare.
There is a case to be made that we should be going for an entirely new IFV as well, but the Army seems to be mostly fixated on the BMP-2 only. Oh well, they know more than we do. Still, some work should be undertaken for a new IFV.
Well, we have thousands of them so upgrading is good idea. There is a FICV program for future, but it is still on drawing board. There is not really an urgency for it.
Well, we have thousands of them so upgrading is good idea. There is a FICV program for future, but it is still on drawing board. There is not really an urgency for it.
It’s not. Army has already provided funding to L&T for developing it. A prototype was clicked last year.
There is a case to be made that we should be going for an entirely new IFV as well, but the Army seems to be mostly fixated on the BMP-2 only. Oh well, they know more than we do. Still, some work should be undertaken for a new IFV.
FICV is already under development. L&T has received funding for it as well.
It’s not. Army has already provided funding to L&T for developing it. A prototype was clicked last year.
Even the general requirements are not fixed, and stuff is being added such as loitering munitions, active protection system etc. Do you have a document giving out the requirements of the army?
Even the general requirements are not fixed, and stuff is being added such as loitering munitions, active protection system etc. Do you have a document giving out the requirements of the army?
L&T does. They have received funds and have rolled out a prototype. It was back in 2022 itself. This site reported it,
what about the engine - it is upto the mark in terms of power, reliability and efficiency...If not we should rethink domestically and even for FICV.
L&T does. They have received funds and have rolled out a prototype. It was back in 2022 itself. This site reported it,
that is a research project. Same situation as ATAGS. It was also being developed by DRDO, TATA etc for years before being publicised. and the tendering and requirements by the army have only come recently. FICV is in very beginning stages, it will be many years before they get inducted. It is not a priority. Light tanks are priority right now and they are being fast tracked. The requirements have also come out for that.
Since we have thousands of them it's prudent that we make maximum use. With strategic upgrades they can be an asset .
that is a research project. Same situation as ATAGS. It was also being developed by DRDO, TATA etc for years before being publicised. and the tendering and requirements by the army have only come recently. FICV is in very beginning stages, it will be many years before they get inducted. It is not a priority. Light tanks are priority right now and they are being fast tracked. The requirements have also come out for that.
I didn’t say it will be out tomorrow. Army has provided money to L&T to develop a prototype. And MoD has already given AoN with specifics of what is needed in terms of weaponry, payload capacity etc. Are you again questioning MoD’s official statement?
I didn’t say it will be out tomorrow. Army has provided money to L&T to develop a prototype. And MoD has already given AoN with specifics of what is needed in terms of weaponry, payload capacity etc. Are you again questioning MoD’s official statement?
That is what I am saying, that it is still on paper. AoN means that project is sanctioned. We have not developed the tedh that will go into it. Not even prototype is ready. After that happens, it will go for trials, after which another prototype will be made, this will repeat on for some time.
India has thousands of BMP-2s so it makes sense to upgrade them with many new generations of indigenous technologies available at this time.
All of the envisaged technology upgrades mentioned here and in a previous article will make it a formidable fighting vehicle against two enemies.

India is also developing new vehicles with TATA, Kalyani and OFB offshoots too.
Way to go!!!
That is what I am saying, that it is still on paper. AoN means that project is sanctioned. We have not developed the tedh that will go into it. Not even prototype is ready. After that happens, it will go for trials, after which another prototype will be made, this will repeat on for some time.
What you said is that the army has not even provided specs and all. That has been proven wrong.

As for prototype, I have already said that prototype has been snapped already. So again proven wrong. Of course, more prototypes are I’ll be made, to incorporate changes and improvements based on the trials.
What you said is that the army has not even provided specs and all. That has been proven wrong.

As for prototype, I have already said that prototype has been snapped already. So again proven wrong. Of course, more prototypes are I’ll be made, to incorporate changes and improvements based on the trials.
I had said that the specs are changing, and that army has added on stuff after noticing how Ukraine war is going.
I had said that the specs are changing, and that army has added on stuff after noticing how Ukraine war is going.
You said even the general requirements are not fixed. Where is the proof that any requirements have changed? Show me a single proof that anything has changed from the AoN.
You said even the general requirements are not fixed. Where is the proof that any requirements have changed? Show me a single proof that anything has changed from the AoN.
AoN changes all the time for many projects especially those that are developed indigenously. Look at tejas project, the initial requirements are vastly different than today. Arjun was also changed over time, with lots of improvements. After ukraine war most armies are changing their doctrine. Even US military cancelled some projects.

It is dumb to assume that Indian military would not modify its requirements after seeing how many thousands of BMPs were lost by both sides.
AoN changes all the time for many projects especially those that are developed indigenously. Look at tejas project, the initial requirements are vastly different than today. Arjun was also changed over time, with lots of improvements. After ukraine war most armies are changing their doctrine. Even US military cancelled some projects.

It is dumb to assume that Indian military would not modify its requirements after seeing how many thousands of BMPs were lost by both sides.
You said the basic requirements are not set. So show me which basic requirement has changed. Simple as that . Talk with facts not assumptions. As for Tejas and Arjun, the requirements changed after the deadlines were missed. Else no major requirement from the army’s side were changed. So show me which requirement from the AoN document have changed. A single one.

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