Indonesian Air Force Delegation Seeks Cutting-Edge Defence Tech from Indian Manufacturers


An Indonesian Air Force delegation, led by Air Vice Marshal Minggit Tribowo, arrived in New Delhi for high-level discussions with key players in India's defence sector. The visit signals a growing strategic partnership and potential defence collaborations between the two nations.exclamation

The delegation engaged in extensive talks with officers from Defence Production India, led by JS (Naval Systems) Rajeev Prakash, along with officials from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL), and Zen Technologies.

During the interactions, Mr. Prakash highlighted the capabilities and achievements of India's defence industry, showcasing the country's manufacturing prowess in various defence domains. This aligns with the recent momentum in defence cooperation between India and Indonesia.

Several Indian defence companies are actively exploring opportunities in Indonesia. BrahMos Aerospace, a leading Indian missile manufacturer, is reportedly on the verge of securing a contract to provide supersonic cruise missiles to Indonesia this year.

Additionally, Kalyani Strategic Systems Ltd. (KSSL), a prominent private defence firm, has presented its Mobile Gun System (MGS) based on the cutting-edge Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) for consideration. Moreover, TASL has proposed its advanced loitering munition, the Advanced Loitering System-50 (ALS-50), to the Indonesian Air Force.

This high-level visit by the Indonesian Air Force delegation underscores the country's keen interest in acquiring advanced defence technologies and equipment from India. It also sets the stage for potential joint ventures and further strengthens the strategic partnership between the two nations.

The discussions held during the visit are expected to pave the way for future collaborations and bolster the defence capabilities of both India and Indonesia. As the two countries explore closer defence ties, this visit marks a significant step towards a more robust and mutually beneficial partnership.

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