INS Arighat Armed with 3,500km-Range Missiles, 70% Indigenous Content


India has significantly enhanced its nuclear deterrence capabilities with the commissioning of its latest nuclear-powered submarine, INS Arighat. The new submarine boasts longer-range missiles and a high degree of indigenous content, making it more potent than its predecessor, INS Arihant.

INS Arihant, commissioned in 2018, marked India's entry into the exclusive club of nations capable of building nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines. INS Arighat, the second SSBN in this class, was recently commissioned by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.

Sources indicate that INS Arighat is armed with missiles capable of striking targets over 3,500 kilometers away, compared to INS Arihant's 750-kilometer range, making it a formidable deterrent. The addition of a third boat early next year is expected to further bolster India's nuclear submarine fleet.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh hailed INS Arighat as a source of national pride and a testament to India's self-reliance initiative. The submarine's construction involved cutting-edge design and manufacturing techniques, extensive research and development, specialized materials, intricate engineering, and highly skilled craftsmanship.

A remarkable feature of INS Arighat is its indigenous systems and equipment, conceived, designed, manufactured, and integrated by Indian scientists, industry, and naval personnel. These technological advancements significantly elevate INS Arighat's capabilities compared to its predecessor, INS Arihant.

The presence of both INS Arihant and INS Arighat in the Indian Navy will substantially enhance the country's ability to deter potential adversaries and safeguard its national interests.
Good news.

Now, further needs to be done:
  • see how to make K5 (5,000 km) and K6 (6,000 km) and "K8" (submarine launched version of 12,000 km "Surya"***) with no more length than K4
  • do modification of basic design -- replace each ballistic missile tube with four VLS tubes for cruise missiles, design CM's of up to 5,000 km range to fit those tubes, and soup up from 83 MW to 190
*** unofficial name of a what seems to be perennially under development 12,000 km ballistic missile

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