Is Chinese Z-21 a Russian Mi-28 Copycat or Independent Development?

Is Chinese Z-21 a Russian Mi-28 Copycat or Independent Development?

A recently leaked photo of China's long-rumored Z-21 attack helicopter has ignited intense discussion among military analysts and enthusiasts. With the world finally getting a detailed look at the aircraft, speculation is rife about its origins, technological influences, and future capabilities.

Is it a Copy or Collaboration?​

The Z-21's design bears some resemblance to the existing Chinese Z-10 attack helicopter. However, the new aircraft also exhibits a striking similarity to the Russian Mi-28, particularly in its tandem cockpit and overall profile.

This has raised significant questions about the potential for direct collaboration between the two nations.

Evolution, Not Revolution​

It's vital to recognize that several of the Z-21's features, such as the tandem cockpit and nose-mounted targeting system, are trends seen across modern attack helicopter designs.

Therefore, it's important to look beyond superficial similarities and toward potential differences when evaluating the Z-21.

Leveraging Existing Technologies​

Interestingly, the Z-21 appears to incorporate design cues from the Chinese Harbin Z-20 medium-lift utility helicopter. This strategic integration showcases China's potential to streamline development timelines by leveraging existing domestic platforms and technologies.

The Need for More Details​

Though the leaked photograph offers valuable insights, the Z-21's full capabilities remain shrouded in mystery. Critical details like its potential armament and advanced avionics are still unknown. Clear, official information from the Chinese government is eagerly awaited.

The Future of the Z-21​

Scrutinizing further development of the aircraft and potential test flights will be critical to truly understanding the Z-21. Thorough analysis will allow defence experts to determine the level of Russian influence and the Z-21's independent prowess within China's growing military arsenal.
Giving credit where its due, China surely where it is going. No wonder they get what their military needs built in China itself.

I heard there were plans for a heavy combat heli would be built by HAL's rotary wings division and that platform would be based on the IMRH.
What to say! Sometimes, one has to appreciate works of enemies. This is beautiful machine, and can be handy for war against Taiwan. If fit enough then even work in Himalayas. China with it's immense military budget, and pool of available tech (mostly illegally obtained) could make it deadlier than Z-10/Z-20 but still inferior than Apaches.

Hope, that India learns lesson and makes desi heavyweight Apaches class attack copters as well. Appreciate the innovation and success of your enemies and then built something to match or counter it.
And where is our LCH Prachand , still not fired any anti-tank missiles. Still not inducted in large numbers.
We are a nation who thinks war will never happen , and if it happen , then government will beg for mercy like Chinese incursion of Ladhak but it will show it as some sort of victory.
India don't want to spend in defense , but want global status vishwa guru , vishwa mitra , what not... Security council membership.
What to say! Sometimes, one has to appreciate works of enemies. This is beautiful machine, and can be handy for war against Taiwan. If fit enough then even work in Himalayas. China with it's immense military budget, and pool of available tech (mostly illegally obtained) could make it deadlier than Z-10/Z-20 but still inferior than Apaches.

Hope, that India learns lesson and makes desi heavyweight Apaches class attack copters as well. Appreciate the innovation and success of your enemies and then built something to match or counter it.
This will work on their easyern front vs taiwan. But not in himalayas. You need lightweight helicopters for that. That is why we developed prachand.

I dont think we need desi apache. We have apaches of our own, as well as prachand and rudra.

And drones are becoming more and more potent. In 20 years, role of AHs could be taken completely by drones. Just look at how far drone technology has come in 20 years. While AH tech has pretty much stagnated.
Truthfully it is as usual a copy. Most of the time these are bad copies. Only Pakistan is their customer.
This will work on their easyern front vs taiwan. But not in himalayas. You need lightweight helicopters for that. That is why we developed prachand.

I dont think we need desi apache. We have apaches of our own, as well as prachand and rudra.

And drones are becoming more and more potent. In 20 years, role of AHs could be taken completely by drones. Just look at how far drone technology has come in 20 years. While AH tech has pretty much stagnated.
Then why Apaches are deployed in Himalayas? If Apaches are useful to certain extent in Himalayas then there's no reason to dismiss it.
Then why Apaches are deployed in Himalayas? If Apaches are useful to certain extent in Himalayas then there's no reason to dismiss it.
Apaches are deployed at rajasthan and punjab bases for pakistan and at assam base for china. Assam is not exactly high altitude. During kargil war, high up in mountains, we tried using chetak and cheetah helicopters for offensive operations but they failed. That is why we developed LCH. Apache is not designed for high altitude warfare.

They are deployed at assam base for china, if you believe that is himalayas, then you are right.
Giving credit where its due, China surely where it is going. No wonder they get what their military needs built in China itself.

I heard there were plans for a heavy combat heli would be built by HAL's rotary wings division and that platform would be based on the IMRH.
Copying reverse engineering isnt a big deal.
Copying reverse engineering isnt a big deal.
If it is so easy, why don't we copy and reverse-engieneer?

Copy and reverse engineer scorpene and produce at least 20 copies, that will solve iur dwindling sibmarine strength.

Also, we should copy and produce 500 more Rafale to boost our squadron strength.

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