Mission Shakti 5th Anniversary: The Day India Shattered a Fast Moving Satellite at 350 km Altitude

Mission Shakti 5th Anniversary: The Day India Shattered a Fast Moving Satellite at 350 km Altitude

On this day five years ago, India made history with the successful execution of Mission Shakti, an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile test. This landmark event positioned India within an exclusive group of nations possessing this complex military technology.

The Technological Triumph​

On March 27th, 2019, India conducted Mission Shakti, demonstrating its capability to target and destroy satellites in Low Earth Orbit.

A specially designed missile, launched from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Island, accurately intercepted a pre-selected Indian satellite located approximately 350 kilometers above the Earth's surface.

This moving target was traveling at an incredible speed of 24,000 kilometers per hour, showcasing the precision and sophistication of India's missile technology and targeting systems.

India's Entry into an Exclusive Club​

With the success of Mission Shakti, India joined the ranks of the United States, Russia, and China as the only nations possessing verified ASAT capabilities. This technological leap elevated India's stature as a major space and defence power.

The development of ASAT systems reflects a country's advanced aerospace engineering expertise, guided missile technology, and a commitment to developing a robust national defense strategy.

Strategic Implications and Space Security​

ASAT capabilities hold immense strategic value in modern warfare. Satellites are essential to military operations, responsible for communication, navigation, surveillance, and intelligence-gathering.

By demonstrating ASAT proficiency, India established a credible deterrent against adversaries who might seek to exploit space-based assets for aggressive actions. The ability to disrupt an enemy's space-based infrastructure creates a strategic advantage that cannot be ignored.

However, Mission Shakti also brought international focus to the problem of space debris. The destruction of orbiting satellites generates fragments that, if left unchecked, can pose risks to operational spacecraft and astronauts.

Acknowledging this concern, India has maintained a commitment to the peaceful and responsible exploration of space, advocating for treaties and policies that mitigate the risk of debris proliferation and ensure the long-term sustainability of space-based operations.


Mission Shakti stands as a watershed moment for India's defense and space programs.

It highlights the nation's unwavering drive for technological self-reliance and its evolving strategic posture in response to a dynamic geopolitical landscape.

As India celebrates the fifth anniversary of this achievement, it remains committed to fostering a safe and secure space environment while strengthening its defense preparedness for future challenges.
India needs ship launched ASAT weapons systems similar to US Navy's RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 (SM-3).
India needs ship launched ASAT weapons systems similar to US Navy's RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 (SM-3).
I think this system is under development. Some time back I heard that 1 navy or DRDO vessel had been turned into a launcher for long range interceptor missiles for Ballistic missile defence.
We need to carry out more such tests. To send a message to our adversaries as well as to practice more and test new tech. 5 years is a lomg time between tests
Reference the article, ASAT was perhaps a technology demonstration platform but in space warfare it may not be an ideal solution.

The Space forces of the country would need to focus on environment friendly technologies which has better capabilities, global coverage and provides the nation with a deterrence.

The evolution of space forces is inline with global trends, technological advances and domain integrations and hence will also usher changes in the way we can engage with an enemy or hostile nations.

Though creation of Space forces, Space domain platforms , Space based C4ISR etc. are expected to cost the nation a tidy sum but without them things will be quite challenging
This is a great achievement but we need to go further. We need a even longer range ASAT missile to target satellites that are operated from a even longer range. But what we need to develop is a technology or equipment that can protect our satellites in space from being killed with a ASAT. We need to develop a method of detecting any threats targeted at our satellites to ensure our communications, internet, weather reports infrastructure is secured.
Dominance over whom? All the countries over whom we seek dominance in ASAT are way ahead of us in system development and deployment. So, just temper the enthusiasm and do some more hard work.

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