Mumbai Crime Branch Arrests Second Navy Officer in S. Korea Fake Visa Racket


The Crime Intelligence Unit of the Mumbai Crime Branch has apprehended a second Navy officer, Sub-Lieutenant Braham Jyoti, along with three others, in connection with an ongoing investigation into a fake visa racket targeting South Korea.

Jyoti, stationed at INS Shivaji Lonavla, has been identified as the mastermind behind the operation. The racket allegedly involved sending individuals to South Korea using forged documents, instructing them to destroy their visas upon arrival and seek asylum, with the promise of eventual citizenship.

Simran Teji, an associate of Jyoti, is accused of opening a bank account in her mother's name, linked to Jyoti's mobile number, which was used for illicit financial transactions. The account reportedly holds a significant sum of money, believed to be proceeds from the racket.

Two additional suspects, Deepak Dogra and Ravi Kumar, were arrested in Jammu and Kashmir. Kumar is believed to be a beneficiary of the forged visa scheme, while Dogra allegedly played a role in identifying potential targets and managing the operation.

All four individuals have been charged under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and Passport Act for cheating and forgery. The Mumbai Crime Branch is actively pursuing further leads to uncover the full extent of the racket and identify any other individuals involved.

The arrest of a second Navy officer has raised concerns about the potential involvement of more officials in this illicit operation. Authorities are investigating all angles to ensure a thorough and comprehensive probe.

This incident underscores the need for heightened vigilance and stricter measures to prevent the misuse of official positions for illegal activities. The Mumbai Crime Branch is committed to upholding the law and bringing all those responsible to justice.

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