Navy to Deploy SMART System on Current Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvettes

Navy to Deploy SMART System on Current Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvettes

The Indian Navy is poised to significantly enhance its anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities with the planned deployment of the Supersonic Missile-Assisted Release of Torpedo (SMART) system on its existing fleet of ASW corvettes. Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), SMART represents a leap forward in India's maritime defence technology.

The decision to integrate SMART into the existing corvette fleet, once production clearance is granted, marks a strategic move to expedite the operationalization of this advanced system. This approach enables the Navy to rapidly bolster its ASW capabilities without the need for constructing new vessels specifically designed for SMART.

SMART combines a supersonic missile with a lightweight, electrically-propelled torpedo known as the Torpedo Advanced Light (TAL). This innovative pairing provides a decisive advantage by extending the Navy's operational reach against enemy submarines. Unlike conventional torpedoes, which have limited range, SMART can engage targets from hundreds of kilometers away. This enhanced range significantly expands the Indian Navy's ASW zone, enabling them to neutralize threats well beyond the capabilities of traditional torpedo systems.

The system's effectiveness is further amplified by its precision targeting mechanism. The missile, carrying the TAL torpedo, is guided by real-time data on the location of enemy submarines. It then maneuvers towards the target, releasing the torpedo at a calculated point. The torpedo subsequently uses its self-homing capabilities to pinpoint and engage the submarine.
India can surely produce them in hundreds and get ready to scrub all seas and oceans near it of two enemy subs for good.
And that is from at least 900 kms from the launch point.

During Balakot, India knew the locations of all terroristan submarines except one which ran away and took shelter in Bandar Abbas, Iran.

So these SMART torpedoes will play crucial role in next war for sure.

Way to go!!!
MUST add 5 megatons warhead nukes for singling whole PLAN AC carrier groups next...
Done with that? The Shyena is not a large enough torpedo to pack a nuclear warhead. You want something like that? Try the Varunasta instead.
Here's an idea: Perhaps it would be possible to get a VLS cell for the SMART system and put it on our frontline warships? With some internal reconstruction, we could replace the old RBU-6000 systems with 16 VLS cells for the SMART system (assuming they are of that size) plus 16-32 VLS cells for SAMs.
In addition to this system, we should also explore fighter jet launched torpedos. It can be used for secondary attacks & cheaper option. We can carry heavier torpedos. Fly at mach2, intercept at say about 500km.
Here's an idea: Perhaps it would be possible to get a VLS cell for the SMART system and put it on our frontline warships? With some internal reconstruction, we could replace the old RBU-6000 systems with 16 VLS cells for the SMART system (assuming they are of that size) plus 16-32 VLS cells for SAMs.
But our present Destroyers and Frigates can accommodate only limited VLS missiles.

I am hopeful that our upcoming super Destroyers and Frigates with 144 VLS missile cells will surely accommodate all of our formidable missile systems.

So have hopes.
Here's an idea: Perhaps it would be possible to get a VLS cell for the SMART system and put it on our frontline warships? With some internal reconstruction, we could replace the old RBU-6000 systems with 16 VLS cells for the SMART system (assuming they are of that size) plus 16-32 VLS cells for SAMs.
to fire SMART you should accurately know the position of submarine, which will be detected by either P-8 or Sea Guardian drone, The Frontline warship helicopters don't have that range and if the detect one near warship they too carry torpedoes in case they had to target the submarine.
SMART is to target submarine from standoff distance when someone has a lock on it
But our present Destroyers and Frigates can accommodate only limited VLS missiles.

I am hopeful that our upcoming super Destroyers and Frigates with 144 VLS missile cells will surely accommodate all of our formidable missile systems.

So have hopes.
The present ships have a lot of unutilised deck space. With some internal rearrangement of stuff below the deck, we can easily fit a lot more VLS cells.

I did some measurements on images a few weeks back. Assuming you can fit VLS on most of the deck, our destroyers can have 24 AShMs (16 or 24 in VLS cells + 8 in inclined launchers if you have 16 VLS) plus 64 VLS cells for SAMs and ASW missiles. That would entail the removal of the RBU-6000 sets. If you can move the ASW missiles (SMART system) to inclined launchers, 8-12 of those can be fitted.

The frigates can manage 16 AShMs plus 64 VLS cells for SAMs. Add another 8 ASW missiles in inclined launchers. However, you would have to remove the RBU-6000 sets.

Oh, and that assumes you can only get around 50% of the unutilised deck space capable of holding VLS cells.

Just consider this: Other nations have similar designs as ours (kind of) with a similar number of VLS cells on half the displacement. That would tell you just how much space we have to spare and how many more VLS cells we can add.
to fire SMART you should accurately know the position of submarine, which will be detected by either P-8 or Sea Guardian drone, The Frontline warship helicopters don't have that range and if the detect one near warship they too carry torpedoes in case they had to target the submarine.
SMART is to target submarine from standoff distance when someone has a lock on it
Having a few missiles on our destroyers, frigates, and ASW corvettes would allow for them to be deployed or redirected to hunt submarines that are being followed / traced by other assets.
In addition to this system, we should also explore fighter jet launched torpedos. It can be used for secondary attacks & cheaper option. We can carry heavier torpedos. Fly at mach2, intercept at say about 500km.
Mach 2 torpedoes? Are you sure you don't mean a Mach 2 anti-ship missile? A torpedo going at Mach 2 cannot steer even in the slightest, and the smallest off-direction current would have the strength to destroy the torpedo or send it wildly off-course.
MUST add 5 megatons warhead nukes for singling whole PLAN AC carrier groups next...
To add to that, the US tested nukes against ships in the 1940s, and found that while the crew would be killed, the warships themselves would not be hurt too badly unless they had an underwater nuclear explosion fairly close.

Modern ships gave NBC protection as well, so unless you can hit a ship with a close-enough explosion to heavily damage or sink the ship through the initial shockwave, you aren't accomplishing much.
Here's an idea: Perhaps it would be possible to get a VLS cell for the SMART system and put it on our frontline warships? With some internal reconstruction, we could replace the old RBU-6000 systems with 16 VLS cells for the SMART system (assuming they are of that size) plus 16-32 VLS cells for SAMs.
India needs to develop Universal Vertical Launch Systems (UVLS) equivalent to Western Mk 41 VLS and Russian ZS-14 VLS that can launch Surface to Air, Surface to Surface and Anti Submarine missiles. So that the missile configuration can be chosen according to mission needs.
This is a very important missile and it will be a potent silent killer of submarines and even ships. If we develop it properly then it can be used very effectively by releasing the torpedo some distance away from the main submarine or ship then it will be very hard for that ship or submarine to detect the incoming torpedo and it gives a shorter time for them to react if they somehow manage to detect it. If we use this missile along with the Brahmos missile in a heavily saturated attack then it can cause a significant amount of damage and sink their ships.

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