NewSpace' High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS UAS) Achieves Indian Drone Endurance Record with 24+ Hour Flight

NewSpace' High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS UAS) Achieves Indian Drone Endurance Record with 24+ Hour Flight

A remarkable milestone in Indian aviation has been achieved by NewSpace Research and Technologies (NRT), a Bengaluru-based aerospace firm.

Their sub-scale High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS UAS) development prototype has shattered the national endurance record, completing a test flight of over 24 hours at ATR Chitradurga.

This extraordinary feat marks the longest flight duration ever for an unmanned aerial system (UAS) designed, developed, and manufactured entirely within India.

The success of NRT highlights the strength of the "Make in India" initiative, which champions domestic manufacturing capabilities. Their breakthrough strengthens India's position in aerospace innovation and promotes the growth of the private sector within the nation's defense ecosystem.

"We are thrilled with this record-breaking achievement," expressed a spokesperson for NRT. "Our thanks go out to the invaluable support received from iDEX Defence Innovation Organization, Indian Air Force, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Aeronautical Development Agency (ADE), DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation), and the Ministry of Defence, Government of India."

NRT's ambition doesn't stop here. They plan to push the boundaries further with a multi-day flight endurance demonstration in the near future, solidifying India's place as a leader in HAPS UAS technology.

This accomplishment carries exciting potential for diverse applications across numerous sectors, accelerating India's growth and technological progress.

Key Points​

  • Unmatched Endurance: NRT's HAPS UAS surpassed previous national records with its 24+ hour flight.
  • Make in India Success: This achievement embodies the spirit of India's focus on domestic manufacturing.
  • Collaborative Effort: Support from crucial organizations was instrumental in this breakthrough.
  • Future Ambitions: Multi-day flights are in NRT's sights, further advancing HAPS technology in India.
  • Widespread Impact: Potential applications across various industries promise positive growth for India.
Logic says that that ghatak will be included in it at later stage. Since it is a Drone, has ground attack capability, is based on Indian technology etc, all of this is common with CATS program.

I can tell you to show me where it has been said that ghatak will never be part of CATS?

I have already told you that Indian defence sector is not trnasparent at all. We have to make do with very limited information. There is no reason why ghatak should not be teamed with a manned aircraft.
I never said it will ‘never be a part of CATS’. Don’t p your flawed words in my mouth. I am saying as of now it isn’t and as of now there are no such plans.

And there are a number of reasons why it shouldn’t be paired with it. But that’s besides the point. Right now it’s about facts and clearly you don’t like them since you don’t know them. Always beaten on facts by me.
Please understand what CATS really is in the Indian context. It is one specific program. It has nothing to do with Ghatak.
Bro what is combat air teaming exactly!?
RPSA just like other Unmanned aircraft under HAL NSR CATS is an unmanned fighter only, so I simply so no reason why it can't perform CAT with LCA
Bro what is combat air teaming exactly!?
RPSA just like other Unmanned aircraft under HAL NSR CATS is an unmanned fighter only, so I simply so no reason why it can't perform CAT with LCA
Please show me where did I say that it can’t.

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