Pakistan Protests India's Dam, Accuses "Water Terrorism" Over Halted River Flow

Pakistan Protests India's Dam, Accuses Water Terrorism Over Halted River Flow

The completion of the Shahpurkandi barrage in India has strained relations with Pakistan, sparking concerns over water usage and potential impacts on regional stability. The project halts water flow from the Ravi River into Pakistan, leading to accusations of "water terrorism" from some Pakistani media outlets.

The Indus Waters Treaty, governing water rights between the nations, gives India exclusive control over the Ravi River. In response, a rally in Lahore has demanded a review of the treaty, highlighting water access disparities.

The rally also emphasized the environmental consequences of the diversion, calling for the restoration of natural river flows and government action to address river contamination, including in the Ravi.

Certain Pakistani media outlets frame India's actions as "water terrorism," alleging a deliberate strategy to pressure Pakistan. This underscores the volatile link between water security and geopolitical tensions in the region.
"The Treaty gives control over the waters of the three "eastern rivers" — the Beas, Ravi and Sutlej located in India with a mean annual flow of 41 billion cubic metres to India, while control over the waters of the three "western rivers" — the Indus, Chenab and Jhelum located in India with a mean annual flow of 99 billion cubic metres to Pakistan. India got about 30% of the total water carried by the Indus system located in India while Pakistan got the remaining 70%. The treaty allows India to use the western river waters for limited irrigation use and unlimited non-consumptive use such as power generation, navigation, floating of property, fish culture, etc."

Someone needs to send some money to Pakistan so they can access the Internet and just read up on the IWT. Not even much, just refer Wikipedia's article and it's references.

These morons are now raising their voice instead of being thankful about the fact that they were able to use all that water for over 7 decades.

Waah beta! Meri billi mujhse meow?
Protest? What for? last I checked Ravi belongs to India. Its waters were fully allocated to India. Just because past governments were too inept to make full use of our share of water and allowed some to flow off into Pakistan, it does not mean that was the standard scenario. The scenario was always sub-optimal, and now it is being rectified.
Pissistan should be happy and should have gratitude to get water from Indus, Jhelum and chenab, they have no say on Ravi, Bias and Sutlej, if GOI thinks they can block the waters from the three west flowing rivers as well.
they can cry in front of world bank or chinese , do they have any options
India should scrap/renegotiate the Indus Valley Treaty and control the waters from all 6 rivers.
India should renegotiate the IWT, and if Pakistan cries foul, scrap it altogether to control (dam, canal etc.) all 6 rivers...We should use it as a major geopolitical tool to get substantial concessions from Pakistan (as compared to blunders by Nehru, Shastri and Indira respectively).
This is a very bad step by India.You should not stop water totally.They want water.Therefore direct the sewage so that they get water from it.
Why should we have any treaty with a country which supports terror to sabotage our economy? Cancel all of them
This is brilliant news and this should of been done much earlier. This issue goes back to the IWT which was made by the corrupt jihadi party which gave away a lot of the water to Pakistan and gave them a larger amount than India despite having a smaller population at the time and today.

Once again the corrupt jihadi party failed to realise the significance of capturing POK as all rivers originated from that area. If we had captured POK we would have absolute control over all rivers and we could of diverted most of the water towards India and it would damage Pakistan ability to grow any food themselves. That would of given us true power over Pakistan and keep them in line forever and it's still possible to achieve even today.
But let us build defences against China using upstream Brahmaputra in the north east. Build dams and canals to control both droughts and floods. Water is a geopolitical weapon.
India should renegotiate the IWT, and if Pakistan cries foul, scrap it altogether to control (dam, canal etc.) all 6 rivers...We should use it as a major geopolitical tool to get substantial concessions from Pakistan (as compared to blunders by Nehru, Shastri and Indira respectively).
Unfortunately, doing something like that could backfire spectacularly. For one, it would hurt our credibility very badly. Renegotiating the IWT is one thing, but scrapping it is another.

Secondly, if we do dam all six rivers, what is to stop China from doing the same to the Brahmaputra and other Eqstern rivers in a few years? Today, they won't do that since the geopolitical risk is too great for them. However, if we dam all six rivers, that give China a precedent to do the same, which has some potentially catastrophic consequences.

The IWT needs to be renegotiated, not scrapped. At the end of day, the Pakistanis are our neighbours, and whether we like it or not, we have to live with them.
The IWT needs to be renegotiated, not scrapped. At the end of day, the Pakistanis are our neighbours, and whether we like it or not, we have to live with them.
Let us actively balkanise Pakistan like we did in 1971..,
I know it's not a popular stance to be ambivalent with Pakistan. I also have a lot of reasons to not like that nation in the slightest (terrorism and religious beliefs being just two things). However, like it or not, they are a big nation (the fifth most populous in the world), and despite all their flaws, we have to live with them. Any collapse in Pakistan will very directly, very quickly, and potentially very adversely affect us too.
We will live with them in our terms. We can do whatever we want.
Let us actively balkanise Pakistan like we did in 1971..,
I'd much rather posit we should simply let them be. They are digging themselves into a hole, and sooner rather than later, their country will experience some form of major systemic collapse (assuming there are no sweeping changes). Once that happens, we can either swoop in, or get them out of that hole (partially) with significant favours / concessions to us.

I know it's not a popular stance to be ambivalent with Pakistan. I also have a lot of reasons to not like that nation in the slightest (terrorism and religious beliefs being just two things). However, like it or not, they are a big nation (the fifth most populous in the world), and despite all their flaws, we have to live with them. Any collapse in Pakistan will very directly, very quickly, and potentially very adversely affect us too.
We will live with them in our terms. We can do whatever we want.
While I don't quite disagree with you, there are limits to us doing whatever we want. For instance, we can simply let them continue digging themselves into their hole, and when push does come to shove, we can swoop in or bail them out for massive favours / concessions. Unfortunately, we can't exactly choose our neighbours, and we have to live with them.
Rest of the 3 rivers flowing freely to porkisthan should also be constructed with multiple dams generating electricity and f****@k with indus water treaty. This process of exporting Water and terrorism can't continue .
Pakistan is already doomed. The water treaty is quite clear. Pakistan has no other job than to complain and whine. Even after crashing completely they are still trying to undermine India showing the kind of jackals that they are. The world is tired of Pakistan. We have prayed enough to the all mighty to put some sense in them. Just ignore them.

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