Pakistan to target Socioeconomic Sectors in India with Nukes in event of War: Former Pakistani Nuclear Advisor

Pakistan to target Socioeconomic Sectors in India with Nukes in event of War: Former Pakistani Nuclear Advisor

Lt. Gen. (Retd) Khalid Kidwai, former Advisor to Pakistan’s National Command Authority, has provided insights into Pakistan’s nuclear strategy, emphasizing its comprehensive approach to deterrence. In his remarks, he highlights Pakistan’s readiness to employ various targeting strategies and its possession of a diverse range of nuclear weapons.

Kidwai asserts that Pakistan’s nuclear strategy extends beyond conventional notions of deterrence. Notably, he emphasizes the adoption of both Counter Value (CV) and Counter City’s (CC) targeting strategies. This approach underscores Pakistan’s intent to target not only strategic assets but also urban centers within India, thereby amplifying the deterrent effect.

Moreover, Kidwai underscores Pakistan’s freedom to select targets from a wide spectrum, including counter value, counter force, and battlefield targets. Despite India’s advancements in Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) and acquisition of systems like the Russian S-400, Pakistan maintains confidence in its ability to penetrate Indian defenses and effectively target key assets.

Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal is described as multi-faceted, comprising strategic, operational, and tactical weapons. This diversity allows for comprehensive coverage of Indian territory, leaving no sanctuary for potential adversaries. Kidwai suggests that Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities encompass a broad range of yields, measured in kilotons (KT), ensuring a robust deterrent posture against India’s policy of massive retaliation.

By possessing a spectrum of nuclear weapons and targeting strategies, Pakistan aims to deter India effectively. Kidwai argues that Pakistan’s doctrine of ‘counter-massive retaliation’ ensures a credible response to any aggressive action from India, potentially escalating the conflict to severe levels.
In case of an Indo-Pakistan war, Pak army is likely to retreat almost in every sector along our Western border except some enclaves where Indian forces might cede tactical ground. Their retreat will turn into a rout if the battle continues beyond tenth day, when shortage of fuel and ammunition will start taking its toll. That will be the time when Pakistan will unleash tactical nuclear weapon onto advancing Indian columns. Initially they would target Indian troops in Sind and Bahawalpur because of low population density there. But if India continues to push ahead, they will resort to N-attack on high value targets such as command HQs, and then, onto population centers. At this stage, their army is likely to behave in a manner similar to Hamas on Oct 7th. In other words, all norms/reasons will cease to apply and they will follow Gen SK Malik's book that is taught in Kakul Military Academy - a book that glorifies each and every method of deception and does not differentiate between combatants and non combatants.
In case of an Indo-Pakistan war, Pak army is likely to retreat almost in every sector along our Western border except some enclaves where Indian forces might cede tactical ground. Their retreat will turn into a rout if the battle continues beyond tenth day, when shortage of fuel and ammunition will start taking its toll. That will be the time when Pakistan will unleash tactical nuclear weapon onto advancing Indian columns. Initially they would target Indian troops in Sind and Bahawalpur because of low population density there. But if India continues to push ahead, they will resort to N-attack on high value targets such as command HQs, and then, onto population centers. At this stage, their army is likely to behave in a manner similar to Hamas on Oct 7th. In other words, all norms/reasons will cease to apply and they will follow Gen SK Malik's book that is taught in Kakul Military Academy - a book that glorifies each and every method of deception and does not differentiate between combatants and non combatants.
If pakis uses tactical nukes against Indian army columns out of desperation, India will retaliate with full scale strategic nuclear response. Because India does not possess tactical nuclear weapons and India's doctrine says that any nuclear attack on India will be met by disproportionate response. We also have a ballistic missile defence system. If both sides go for MAD, both will suffer terribly, but pakis will suffer many times more than us. Since we can target all pakis cities, while pakis cant do the same. And we have ballistic missile defences, while pakis do not.
It's as simple as this: If Bhakaristan uses nuclear weapons in any capacity in a potential war against India, and once we here in Bharat realise nuclear warheads have been deployed (be it as the missiles are intercepted or even after a missile or two hits Indian targets), India will retaliate with a massive strategic nuclear strike, and Bhikaristan will cease to exist as a nation.

The attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed a few lakh people. If Bhikaristan tries something, our retaliation will kill a few crore people, international pressure and sanctions bedamned.

To echo the words of the late Sh. A. B. Vajpayee, "Even if a quarter of India is to be sacrificed, Bhikaristan will not see the Sun rise the next day."

Alternatively, to use a variation of a popular American military saying, "F*** about and you won't live long enough to find out."
If pakis uses tactical nukes against Indian army columns out of desperation, India will retaliate with full scale strategic nuclear response. Because India does not possess tactical nuclear weapons and India's doctrine says that any nuclear attack on India will be met by disproportionate response. We also have a ballistic missile defence system. If both sides go for MAD, both will suffer terribly, but pakis will suffer many times more than us. Since we can target all pakis cities, while pakis cant do the same. And we have ballistic missile defences, while pakis do not.
Retaliation is irrelevant at that point India needs to develop tactical nuclear weapons and carry them in field as they progress to inflict similar pain on Pakistan; Indian threshold should less than 5 days. Never give a chance to your adversary to re-group and plan.
Retaliation is irrelevant at that point India needs to develop tactical nuclear weapons and carry them in field as they progress to inflict similar pain on Pakistan; Indian threshold should less than 5 days. Never give a chance to your adversary to re-group and plan.
India does not need tactical nukes when we can just blow them up with strategic nukes.

We have conventional military superiority. Pakis ha e a weaker military, thus it needs tactical nukes because it knows that it cant win a conventional war
Because India does not possess tactical nuclear weapons
Are you sure India doesn't possess tactical nuclear weapon?

The yield varies for a tactical nuclear weapon from a fraction of a kiloton to approximately 50 kilotons. In comparison, a strategic nuclear weapon has a yield from 100 kilotons to over a megaton, with much larger warheads available (Wikipedia).
In that case, all of Terroristan/Beggeristan/Phhaakkeestaaannn will be nuked to stone ages.
Remember Balakot?
Swift, lethal, precision, etc extermination for starting nuclear war.
They are getting beaten by TTP.First let them handle them.Do you think Pak lunatics have nuclear custody under them.its secured by CIA for ensuring that Iran or anyone rogue doesn't lay hands on it
Are you sure India doesn't possess tactical nuclear weapon?

The yield varies for a tactical nuclear weapon from a fraction of a kiloton to approximately 50 kilotons. In comparison, a strategic nuclear weapon has a yield from 100 kilotons to over a megaton, with much larger warheads available (Wikipedia).
Difference between a tactical and strategic nuclear weapon is not about yield, but how you use it. Authority to use Tactical weapons and designate taergets rests with regular army, rocket force etc. for strategic nuclear weapons, authority comes from PM.
.Strategic weapons are not meant for battlefield use, tactical weapons are meant for battlefield.

Reason why I say India does not have tactical nuclear weapons, is because India does not need it. India has conventional military superiority over pakis. And India china dont have blood fued where we would destroy each other's cities.

Pakistan has eternal paranoia that India will capture lahore, etc since lahore is very close to border. In 1965, indian army reached outsirts of lahore. That is why it feels the need to have tactical nukes.
Kidwai sir ,due respect, where will this stances fetch you any advantage, when you will be devastated by the counter?? Have you ever thought about it ,your first response will be met by such devastating response that you cease to exist as a nation, so by employing multiple nuclear weapons, do you think you will survive. Be sensible.
The job of our army top brass is to anticipate and plan for scenarios like this. Unfortunately Army is filled with yes men who rose through ranks without fighting a war. They will panic when they are asked to take a decision.
India's focus should be to conduct Intelligence operations to support different secessionist & Radical groups in Pakistan with the sole focus of imploding Pakistan.

No doubt that India should keep strengthening it's Military & Economy but for that we need time & it can only be gained by keeping Pakistan busy in internal problems.
Whole Pakistan is under India's range & do Pakis think India will keep mum they know this government will not seat back but give fitting reply India is vast but what about Pak will anything will be left if they dare such things
If India goes to war with China...pakis are sure to try and prey on India like Hyenas...that is why we should take pakis out in the very first 5 minutes of war and then send the rest to China for total annihilation.
I dislike this forum Idraw because they allow such types of article from India basher like AFI . When I have posted some articles it bans these articles being posted. Some stupid , incompetent people operate this forum. Can someone guide me what this AFI stands for and which country?
I sometimes wonder am I reading Indian or a Pakistani military site. The discussion of strategic assets is counter productive. All India needs is change its no first use policy.

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