Tejas and JF-17: A Comparative Look at Safety Histories

Tejas and JF-17: A Comparative Look at Safety Histories

A recent Indian Air Force (IAF) Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) crash has brought renewed attention to the safety records of the Tejas and its primary regional competitor, the Pakistan Air Force's JF-17 Thunder.

The March 12th, 2024 Tejas LCA accident, occurring during the return flight from the "Bharat Shakti" military exercise, marks the first such incident in the aircraft's 23-year operational history.

Contrasting Accident Histories​

The JF-17 Thunder, in comparison, has experienced a higher rate of accidents. According to the Flight Safety Foundation's Aviation Safety Network, the JF-17 has suffered at least four crashes since 2011, including one with confirmed fatalities. These incidents occurred in:
  • November 2011 (Attock District, Pakistan)
  • September 2016 (Arabian Sea)
  • September 2020 (Attock District, Pakistan)
  • August 2021 (Near Attock District, Pakistan)

Ongoing Investigations and Context​

The IAF is undoubtedly conducting a comprehensive investigation into the recent Tejas crash. Their goal is to identify the root cause and implement any necessary safety measures.

It's crucial to remember that even with the best design and maintenance practices, accidents can still happen in the complex world of military aviation.


The recent Tejas crash shouldn't detract from its overall positive safety record, particularly when compared to the JF-17. However, any accident involving military aircraft rightfully prompts investigation and scrutiny.

Only through continued analysis, improvement, and focus on safety can both India and Pakistan ensure the reliability of their respective fighter fleets.
Pakistan airforce JF 17 fighter jets have involved in various combat operations.
Otherhand lndia's Tejas fighter jet has no combat history.
It is a great difference between Tejas fighter jet and F16 fighter jet.
Sir which combat operations have JF 17 involved
It was clear that the plane was not maneuverable. IAF pilots are some of the best trained. The plane was oscillating left and right in the video.
I must need to get my eyes tested. It looked like a very smooth decent.
IMHO pilot panicked and ejected far to soon.
If so - he needs to dis-missed.
Time will tell.

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