Tejas Trainer to Lead Drone Swarm: HAL's CATS-MAX Taking Flight

Tejas Trainer to Lead Drone Swarm: HAL's CATS-MAX Taking Flight

India's aerospace powerhouse, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), is taking a bold step towards the future of air combat. Announced plans for the CATS-MAX program aim to transform the LCA-Tejas Trainer aircraft into a hub for sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) coordination and control.

What is CATS-MAX?​

CATS-MAX, short for "Combat Aerial Teaming System – MAX," envisions a future where a repurposed Tejas Trainer acts as the command center for a fleet of specialized UAVs.

Industry sources indicate development could start as early as mid-2025, potentially leading to a first flight by late 2025 or early 2026.

This system isn't just about one UAV design; it's a network of interconnected platforms designed for maximum tactical effectiveness:
  • CATS OMCA: Focused on deception, this UAV will mimic fighter signatures, diverting enemy resources.
  • CATS-HALE: A multi-role workhorse, this High-Altitude, Long-Endurance UAV will provide both surveillance and strike capabilities.
  • CATS Warrior: The loyal wingman concept comes to life as a lethal aerial partner, aiding the manned Tejas.
  • CATS Infinity: Taking control of the skies, this High-Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS) offers persistent communication and surveillance coverage.
  • CATS Hunter: A stealthy addition, incorporating a Low Observable Air-Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM) for hidden strikes.
  • CATS ALFA: This system delivers coordinated attacks with Air-launched SWARM Loitering Munitions.

Revolutionizing Indian Air Combat Strategy​

By making the Tejas trainer the brains of this operation, CATS-MAX allows these diverse UAVs to act in concert, dramatically increasing mission flexibility and potency.

Pilots are kept at a safe distance, and the Indian Air Force unlocks new strategic avenues, including long-range strikes with less reliance on manned fighters.

Global Implications​

India's investment in CATS-MAX signals a growing trend in warfare. Advanced militaries are recognizing the advantages of coordinated UAV swarms, allowing greater force projection with reduced risk. CATS-MAX puts India firmly at the forefront of this technological wave.

The Path Ahead​

While development timelines are ambitious, HAL has a proven track record with the Tejas, suggesting strong potential for adapting the aircraft.

CATS-MAX remains an incredibly complex undertaking. Integrating communication systems, mission planning software, and ensuring coordinated control of multiple UAV types in flight will be immense engineering challenges.


The CATS-MAX program is a testament to India's growing aerospace prowess. Its potential impact on air combat strategy cannot be underestimated.

The aerospace world will be closely watching as HAL moves to translate this ambitious concept into a battlefield reality.
Why not have AMCA or tejas mk2 at the centre and controlling all the UAVs? They are much more capable aircraft than mk1A.

I read somewhere that in CATS MAX, there will be 2 guys in cockpit. The pilot and weapons controller, whose job it will be control the UAVs.

I think because Tejas mk2 and AMCA dont have a twin seater trainer version (because they will use simulators for training) they are not being considered for CATS MAX role. If this is the case, then a future 2 seater version of AMCA should be planned for this role. Having a small light fighter doing this role seems suboptimal.
How? LCA mk1A is already in production, while this is still in drawing board
3 MK1A's were supposed to be delivered to the air force by February this year. HAL just pattes itself on the back when the 1st of these planes completed taxi trials and 15 min flight this month. So yeah, expect the Mk1a delivery to push even further if HAL is tasked with this.
3 MK1A's were supposed to be delivered to the air force by February this year. HAL just pattes itself on the back when the 1st of these planes completed taxi trials and 15 min flight this month. So yeah, expect the Mk1a delivery to push even further if HAL is tasked with this.
Apples and oranges here. It is the design team which is workimg on this, while the manufacturing team which is producing it in factory floors. One has no impact on the other.
Apples and oranges here. It is the design team which is workimg on this, while the manufacturing team which is producing it in factory floors. One has no impact on the other.
Really ? Who's the design team for this ? ADA ? Someone else ? Do u really need to bring in how many deadlines these DPSU design teams have missed ?
Really ? Who's the design team for this ? ADA ? Someone else ? Do u really need to bring in how many deadlines these DPSU design teams have missed ?
I am not talking about missed deadlines. I am just saying that designing and manufacturing are 2 different things handled by different departments. Both can be delayed for their own reasons, but delay on one does not impact the other when designing is going on for a different system and manufacturing is happening for a different system. I cant be any clearer than this.
I am not talking about missed deadlines. I am just saying that designing and manufacturing are 2 different things handled by different departments. Both can be delayed for their own reasons, but delay on one does not impact the other when designing is going on for a different system and manufacturing is happening for a different system. I cant be any clearer than this.
I'll be clear from my side. These incompetent baboons sitting in HAL, no matter in design or fabrication lr assembly will message up this project t as well. Akshat will abuse the HAL for this as well and someone will defend the HAL even for this. Same Sagar again.
Why not have AMCA or tejas mk2 at the centre and controlling all the UAVs? They are much more capable aircraft than mk1A.

I read somewhere that in CATS MAX, there will be 2 guys in cockpit. The pilot and weapons controller, whose job it will be control the UAVs.

I think because Tejas mk2 and AMCA dont have a twin seater trainer version (because they will use simulators for training) they are not being considered for CATS MAX role. If this is the case, then a future 2 seater version of AMCA should be planned for this role. Having a small light fighter doing this role seems suboptimal.
2 seater version can be developed if need be. Problem is, right now there is no k2 and no AMCA. Putting them into production will take at least another 15 years. So can’t design a new system around them.
2 seater version can be developed if need be. Problem is, right now there is no k2 and no AMCA. Putting them into production will take at least another 15 years. So can’t design a new system around them.
Makes sense. That would mean that mk1 trainer as CATS MAX would be a stop gap measure used for R&D, until Amca or mk2 come online
It's great that they are designing this but they need to speed up that process which should of been completed by now. We need to start manufacturing them so we can run all of the tests which will take some time as well so it will take about 10 years before they even start production.

Also we can only use this if we have two pilots with one flying the jet and the other controlling the CAT drone but our upcoming Tejas MK1A and MK2 along with our AMCA all have 1 pilot only and we only use 2 pilots on our Sukhoi jets who will be best placed to use the CATS drone. Another option would be using a Tejas trainer where one pilot can run the jet and the other the CATS drones. But regardless of that we will need to train our pilots very very well in a integrated manner to make our fire power more effective and stronger.
What about their counter systems. Adversaries are a step ahead in robotics, how do they plan to defend against such systems?
Why not have AMCA or tejas mk2 at the centre and controlling all the UAVs? They are much more capable aircraft than mk1A.

I read somewhere that in CATS MAX, there will be 2 guys in cockpit. The pilot and weapons controller, whose job it will be control the UAVs.

I think because Tejas mk2 and AMCA dont have a twin seater trainer version (because they will use simulators for training) they are not being considered for CATS MAX role. If this is the case, then a future 2 seater version of AMCA should be planned for this role. Having a small light fighter doing this role seems suboptimal.
The article says CATS will be prototypes with LCA trainers. So you may right
If only things were as easy like our HAL dreams. Unless we start to get things done according to the plans made , we will remain living in dreamland. Our history on working towards deadlines especially in defence sector might be the worst in the world and we really need to change that.
Very Nice!!

Now expect delivery of LCA Mk-1A's order to get delayed even further.
To make all the components in the picture it will take 25-30 years according to HAL standard, this is right now only in the drawing board list in the order of Tejas MK2, TEDBF/ORCA and AMCA, HAL is now busy with Tejas MK1A, once they have time, they will do this, for now only Tejas MK1A and upgrades to SU-30 and MIG-29 making them to Super.
3 MK1A's were supposed to be delivered to the air force by February this year. HAL just pattes itself on the back when the 1st of these planes completed taxi trials and 15 min flight this month. So yeah, expect the Mk1a delivery to push even further if HAL is tasked with this.
IAF demanded more changes and that’s the reason for the delays.

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