Tejas Trainers Take Off, HAL Set to Deliver Number 5

Tejas Trainers Take Off, HAL Set to Deliver Number 5

Bengaluru, India – The Indian Air Force (IAF) is poised to expand its pilot training capabilities further with the successful first flight of the fifth LCA-Tejas trainer aircraft, designated LT-5205.

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is making significant strides in the production of these twin-seater trainers, with the delivery of the fourth trainer, LT-5204, occurring only weeks prior.

The IAF embarked on a new era of its Tejas program when it received its first LCA Tejas trainer aircraft in October 2023. This marked a crucial milestone in enabling comprehensive pilot training for the indigenously developed light combat aircraft.

HAL has committed to delivering a total of 18 twin-seater Tejas trainers to the IAF. Currently, five trainers have been delivered and are undergoing the necessary flight testing before being officially inducted into IAF service.

HAL is well-positioned to fulfill its contractual obligations to the IAF, aiming to deliver eight trainers by the end of the current fiscal year (FY 2023-24) on March 31st, 2024. The remaining ten trainers will follow in a phased manner, with complete delivery expected by 2026-27.

The timely delivery of these trainers is vital for the IAF's plans to fully integrate the Tejas into its fleet. A well-established training infrastructure will empower the IAF to efficiently train pilots on the Tejas platform, maximizing the aircraft's effectiveness in safeguarding Indian airspace.

Moreover, the success of the trainer program could pave the way for additional orders from the IAF, further strengthening the Tejas' presence within the IAF's fighter jet inventory.
Not 4 more. Total of 4, including first one. That means 4 deliveries in 6 months. And there is no mk1a production apart from the first flight prototype. This, on a production capacity of 16 planes. This is shameful and completely unacceptable. Mod should immediately sack the MD and initiate criminal cases against the entire administration of HAL related to Tejas. This is criminal breach of contract.
You will never be happy. Hope this pessimism is only limited to this page.
The HAL chief statement you sent itself said a total of 4 have been delivered. Your blind love for HAL has lead you to lose your memory,
If you dont trust Defence.in articles then you should not be on this website. The article that I told you to read is older than this article today. It means that delivery of 5th trainer place in last few days
It is great to see this indigenous plane taking things to next level. Slow but steady progress.
On the sidenote: why don't you update the website to have a better responsive design, you have good content, you can attract more mobile viewers and retain them that way.

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