Terrorists Used US-Made M4 Carbine Rifles In Reasi Terror Attack

Terrorists Used US-Made M4 Carbine Rifles In Reasi Terror Attack

The horrific terrorist attack in Reasi district on Sunday, which claimed the lives of nine pilgrims and injured over 40, has raised significant concerns over the use of U.S.-made M4 Carbine rifles by the attackers.

According to reports from NDTV, three foreign terrorists carried out the assault using these high-powered weapons, targeting a bus carrying pilgrims and causing it to plunge into a gorge. This incident marks a disturbing escalation in the region's ongoing struggle with terrorism.

The M4 Carbine, a lightweight and versatile assault rifle widely used by militaries around the world, has now reportedly found its way into the hands of terrorists operating in Jammu and Kashmir. This revelation has sparked concerns about the proliferation of advanced weaponry and its potential impact on the security landscape.

The attack has also ignited a political debate, with opposition parties criticizing the government's security measures and calling for stricter action against terrorism. Meanwhile, authorities are working to identify the group responsible for the attack and determine how the terrorists obtained the U.S.-made rifles.

A massive manhunt is underway in the dense Reasi forests to apprehend the two remaining terrorists. This incident serves as a grim reminder of the ongoing threat of terrorism in the region and the need for continued vigilance and comprehensive security measures.

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