UKPNP Leader Raises Alarm on Human Rights Abuses in PoJK, Accuses Pakistan and China of Collusion


Jamil Maqsood, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Kashmir People's National Party (UKPNP), has expressed deep concern about the worsening human rights situation in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK). In a recent interview, Maqsood revealed that activists protesting against rising electricity bills and subsidy cuts are being systematically targeted by Pakistani authorities.

Maqsood detailed the abduction of student leaders and political activists in various cities, including Muzaffarabad, Bagh, and Rawalakot. He stated that approximately 300 activists are currently missing, with no information on their whereabouts or condition. He urgently appealed to international human rights organizations to intervene and address these grave violations.

The UKPNP leader further highlighted the absence of independent media in PoJK and PoGB, leaving social media and private channels as the primary source of information about the region. He compared the oppressive tactics used in PoJK to those employed in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, lamenting the lack of media coverage and documentation of abuses in these regions.

Maqsood also accused China of exploiting PoJK and PoGB to advance its geopolitical ambitions in the region. He claimed that China is leveraging Pakistani territory and institutions to pressure India and undermine democratic forces within Pakistan. Maqsood pointed to the 2008 memorandum of understanding between the Jamaat-e-Islami and the Chinese Communist Party as evidence of their collaborative efforts to destabilize Pakistan.

Additionally, Maqsood confirmed the continued presence of terror infrastructure in PoJK and PoGB, alleging close ties between military organizations and terror camps. He criticized the practice of appointing outsiders to senior positions in the PoJK administration, arguing that it serves to consolidate control over the region and marginalize the local population.

Maqsood's statements shed light on the dire human rights conditions in PoJK and raise concerns about the role of both Pakistan and China in the region. His urgent calls for international attention and intervention underscore the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate action to protect the fundamental rights of the people in PoJK and PoGB.

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