US-India to Host Third INDUS-X Investor Summit in Silicon Valley This September


The United States and India are preparing to host the third INDUS-X Investor Summit in Silicon Valley this September. This crucial event aims to accelerate defence innovation by leveraging private capital and fostering collaboration between the two nations.

The summit is a key component of the INDUS-X initiative, a joint effort by the US Department of Defence (DoD) and the Indian Ministry of Defence to enhance cooperation on critical and emerging technologies (iCET). Building on the success of previous summits in Washington and New Delhi, this investor-focused event will bring together key stakeholders to drive advancements in the defence sector.

The INDUS-X initiative has already demonstrated its effectiveness in strengthening private sector cooperation in defence technology during its first year. By facilitating partnerships among companies, investors, and researchers, it has laid the groundwork for enhanced innovation in both the US and India.

The decision to hold the summit in Silicon Valley, renowned for its innovation and investment ecosystem, is a strategic move. It will provide a prime platform for connecting defence startups with potential investors and fostering cross-border partnerships.

The US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) and Stanford University will co-host the event, bringing together their expertise in industry collaboration and academic research to ensure the summit’s success.

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