Vietnam's Deputy Defence Minister Meets with Indian, Philippine Counterparts, Seeks Expanded Defence Collaboration

Vietnam's Deputy Defence Minister Meets with Indian, Philippine Counterparts, Seeks Expanded Defence Collaboration

Hanoi, Vietnam – In a series of diplomatic engagements on June 21st, Vietnam's Deputy Defense Minister, Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, met with defense attachés from India and the Philippines, signaling a deepening of defense ties with both nations.

In a meeting with Indian defense attaché Colonel Dheeraj Kotwal, General Chien praised the ongoing defense cooperation between the two countries. He highlighted successful delegation exchanges, effective consultation mechanisms, and joint training initiatives. General Chien proposed further collaboration in the second half of 2024, including a defense policy dialogue, joint peacekeeping exercises, and enhanced cooperation in human resources training.

Colonel Kotwal expressed his appreciation for the close coordination between both nations and pledged to relay General Chien's suggestions to the Indian Defense Ministry's leadership.

General Chien also held a reception for Colonel Ulysses S. Mancao, the Philippine defense attaché to Vietnam. He emphasized the robust growth of bilateral relations, spanning political, economic, defense, education, cultural, and people-to-people exchanges. General Chien praised the results of defense cooperation, particularly in delegation exchanges, young officer programs, and collaboration between naval, air, and coast guard forces.

Looking to the future, General Chien suggested expanding cooperation into new areas such as defense industry collaboration, search and rescue operations, UN peacekeeping, and military medicine. He encouraged the swift finalization of cooperation agreements in these potential fields.

Colonel Mancao expressed his gratitude for the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense's support and affirmed his commitment to working closely with agencies from both countries to realize the planned cooperation activities for 2024 and beyond.

Vietnam's strategic location in Southeast Asia and its growing defense capabilities have made it an attractive partner for countries like India and the Philippines, both of which are seeking to enhance their regional influence and security cooperation.

India's "Act East" policy and the Philippines' focus on diversifying its defense partnerships align with Vietnam's interests in maintaining a balanced foreign policy and ensuring regional stability.

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