Prime Minister Narendra Modi said social media has strengthened democracy by opening up ways to verify information which earlier was available from a handful of sources with little alternatives. In an interaction with Zerodha founder Nikhil Kamath, Modi said earlier there were very few persons who used to report on events and their version was considered as the truth.
“You were trapped as there was no opportunity to seek verification. But, today you have an alternative to verify information on different platforms. Everything is available on your mobile phone,” Modi said.
“If you pay little attention, you can find out the truth. This is the reason that social media can strengthen democracy,” he said.
The prime minister said youngsters have the tendency to verify information on social media before believing anything as the truth. Modi said he was amazed to see the amount of interest the youngsters have shown in developments in the space sector.
“Chandrayaan’s success has created a new enthusiasm in today’s youth. I meet many children who are aware of Gaganyaan’s time table. See the strength of social media. They are following Gaganyaan closely,” he said.
Modi said students are aware of the details of the astronauts of the Gaganyaan mission and the place where they are undergoing training. “The children of grade 8 and 9 know all this. This means that social media, in a way, can be considered to have a great power for the new generation,” Modi said.
Asked about social media memes featuring him and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Modi brushed it aside saying such things keep happening and he does not waste time on that. “Nahi, woh toh chalta rehta hai (no, such things keep happening),” Modi said with a smile. “Main usmein apna time kharab nahi karta (I don’t waste my time in that),” he said.
Talking about food, Modi said he was not a foodie and eats whatever is served to him abroad. “If someone gives me a menu, I won’t be able to decide what to eat.” The prime minister revealed he would seek Arun Jaitley’s help to order food at restaurants with the only condition being that it should be vegetarian.