Was Slain Terrorist Rahan Ali a Pakistani Commando? POK Users Claims So

Was Slain Terrorist Rahan Ali a Pakistani Commando? POK Users Claims So

The recent killing of Rahan Ali by Indian security forces in Kashmir has ignited a social media firestorm in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POK). The controversy stems from allegations circulating on social media platforms, supported by photographs, that Ali was a current or former member of Pakistan's elite Special Services Group (SSG) commando unit.

While the Indian media reported Ali's death as a significant blow to terrorist activities in the region, they omitted the potential link to the Pakistani military. This omission fueled speculation and outrage in POK, where social media users have been sharing images of Ali in an SSG uniform.

Social media handles in POK claim that Ali was either an active SSG commando or a retired member re-engaged for specific operations against Indian soldiers and Hindu civilians. These allegations raise serious concerns about the Pakistani military's involvement in the ongoing insurgency in Kashmir.

The incident highlights a broader trend in Kashmir's decades-long conflict. In the past, the insurgency was largely driven by local recruits supported by Pakistan. However, recent years have seen a sharp decline in local recruitment, especially after the revocation of Article 370 in 2019.

The decline in local recruitment has given rise to "hybrid terrorists" and overground workers who provide logistical support rather than directly participating in combat. Despite this shift, Pakistan-backed terrorist groups continue to operate, albeit with modified strategies and personnel.

The alleged deployment of SSG commandos like Rahan Ali suggests a potential act of desperation by the Pakistani military. Facing a shortage of local recruits, they may be resorting to using their own soldiers to sustain operations in Kashmir.

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