What are the improved capabilities of T-90 Mark III

What are the improved capabilities of T-90 Mark III

The Indian Army's recently acquired T-90 Mark III tanks represent a significant leap forward in armored capabilities. While full details remain classified, several key improvements enhance their effectiveness on the modern battlefield:
  • Precision Firepower: The new Correction Input Device (CID) takes into account environmental conditions and barrel wear, leading to more accurate targeting and increased first-round hit probability.
  • Dominant Night Vision: The Commander's Thermal Imaging Sight (CTIS) and Muzzle Reference System provide superior situational awareness and targeting capabilities in low-light or night-time scenarios.
  • Seamless Communication: A new Digital Communication System enables real-time, secure communication between crew members and other battlefield units, improving coordination and tactical decision-making.
  • Advanced Fire Control: The Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitor for the thermal imaging sight and the Digital Ballistic Computer work in tandem to streamline targeting data and weapon control, resulting in faster and more precise target engagement.
  • Enhanced Survivability: The Anti-Thermal IR Coating reduces the tank's thermal signature, making it harder for enemy heat-seeking missiles to lock onto it.
These upgrades, combined with a complete overhaul of the tanks and the incorporation of more indigenous components, promise to make the T-90 Mark III a formidable force on the battlefield.
Still no APS or separate blowout panels. This tank's turret will still get popped no matter how many FCS upgrades it gets.
Still no APS or separate blowout panels. This tank's turret will still get popped no matter how many FCS upgrades it gets.
CANNOT add blowout panels for Russian T-series design of tanks, as armaments are kept in a carousal carriage around the turret insides with charge powder and warhead units separated... MUST purchase Israeli Trophy soon for all T-series of IA tanks and Arjun's also!
Can use BharathPower Pack 1500 hp engines and add HNS Steel and Titanium plates, extra armour for top and sides of tanks; with a proper cope cage completely lined with ERA tiles..
Flying Turret 3.0
Arjun is lot better than these tin cans
Arjun's can be used ONLY in Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat Ran of Kutch battlefields. For LAC's and Laddak need light tanks such as T90. Zarowar is 100% tin-can junk heap aluminium armour plates tanks..
Use tata krestel like platforms, convert them for air defence role. Each air defence vehicle should escort 5-6 tanks. Let drones, enemy attack helicopters and may be MANPADs face the music.
What's the point when a simple $1700 FPV Drone with a ducktape attached RPG warhead can blow this 'Upgraded Turret' into the stratosphere ?
Everything else second, Hardkill APS first.
Arjun's can be used ONLY in Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat Ran of Kutch battlefields. For LAC's and Laddak need light tanks such as T90. Zarowar is 100% tin-can junk heap aluminium armour plates tanks..
LAC requires light tanks and t90s are not suitable for LAC.
Shameless IA ports arjun tech into tincans but won't order arjun in numbers.
What's the point when a simple $1700 FPV Drone with a ducktape attached RPG warhead can blow this 'Upgraded Turret' into the stratosphere ?
Everything else second, Hardkill APS first.
Tanks without any air cover are sitting ducks. All strike corps are a self contained unit with each protecting the other so they won't be easy to kill.
Tanks without any air cover are sitting ducks. All strike corps are a self contained unit with each protecting the other so they won't be easy to kill.
Choppers won't be able to see 2 operators hiding in a hut, nor the small explosive laden quadcopter.
What's the point when a simple $1700 FPV Drone with a ducktape attached RPG warhead can blow this 'Upgraded Turret' into the stratosphere ?
Everything else second, Hardkill APS first.
True. We must go with APS and cope cage strategy with some improvement . I do not know if it is true or not but I saw a YouTube channel where the Ukrainian side claimed that there were few iterations of cope cage tanks that required dozens of fpvs to disable them. So cope cage is stop gap measure for fpvs but APS is must for anti-tank missiles.

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