After Losing F-18 E/F, Boeing Has Renewed Confidence in F-15EX Eagle-II for India's MRCA Bid


After losing out on the Indian Air Force's (IAF) Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MRCA) contract with its F-18 E/F fighter jets, Boeing is re-entering the competition with renewed confidence in its F-15EX Eagle-II. The IAF is currently seeking to procure 114 new fighter jets, and Boeing believes the F-15EX is a strong contender due to its advanced technology and exceptional performance capabilities.

Boeing's optimism stems from significant improvements made to the F-15EX compared to its predecessor, the F-18 E/F. The company secured a license from the US government in 2022 to discuss the potential sale of the F-15EX to India, allowing them to respond to the IAF's Request for Information (RFI) and engage in detailed discussions.

The F-15EX boasts impressive features, including:
  • Speed: A top speed of Mach 2.5, making it the world's fastest fighter jet.
  • Payload: Ability to carry up to 13.6 tonnes of armaments, the most heavily-armed fighter in the world.
  • Strike Range: An extensive strike range of 1,200 nautical miles.
  • Combat Record: The F-15 series has a proven combat record with 104 air-to-air kills and zero losses.
Despite these advantages, the F-15EX faces challenges in the Indian market. As a heavy-class fighter jet, it falls into the same category as the Sukhoi-Su-30MKI, which currently forms the backbone of the IAF. This could potentially hinder its selection. However, past reports indicate that IAF officials hold the F-15 platform in high regard, suggesting that Boeing's bid may not be without merit.

The F-15EX's inclusion in the MRCA competition adds another layer of complexity to an already competitive race. As the IAF continues its evaluation process, it remains to be seen whether Boeing's renewed confidence in the F-15EX will translate into a successful bid.
You do realise that the Rafale M and the F-18E/F both satisfied all technical requirements for the DBMRF competition, right? The Navy stated so themselves.

that said, even if against older aircraft, the F-15EX's record of 104-0 in air-to-air combat is unmatched, and does help their case somewhat. However, the MRFA jets would also be integrated with a lot of Indian weaponry, so against more modern jets with Indian weapons, the record wouldn't be nearly as good.

With that said, I am not particularly in favour of the F-15EX winning, for the simple reason that we already have enough large fighters in form of the Su-30MKI, and because another aircraft type would only make logistics more of an issue.
F-15 EX11 is not likely to happen at all…I think it may be Rafales all the way, if I have to speculate, or 72 Rafales in G2G for faster delivery….
F-15 EX11 is capable but duplicative with our Su-30 MKIs, so IAF may not go for them…I suggest splitting MRFA in 2 parts - 1st 60 F-35As and 2nd 60 Rafale F4s, all in flyby condition, all delivered by 2030, while we focus on Tejas Mk2, and AMCA Mk1 to start production by 2030…Yes this will cost us $30Billion over 8 years but we have the money, can spend it and will give us both capability while we continue aatmanirbharta…
why not 120 F-35, that might be cheaper
Boeing F15EX Eagle II is far better than F-35 fighter jet because F-35 fighter jet has engine problem.
F-35 has crash history in many times.
Boeing F-15 EX Eagle II is good for lAF.
buying a 1970s jet in 2020s which will be fully inducted in 2030s and will be part of arsenal till 2080s ..Very good choice
F-15x is Not going to win MRFA at all its recoed was against old Fighter jets thats why it has 100s of kills it hasnt face any Modern Fighter with modern BVR/WVR.,Earlier it was Super Hornet for Air Foce & Naval strong contender But in Tech parameters it Lost to Rafale Over Hyped from US Nothing else.old design & PR going on from US for all 3 Fighter jets Nothing on ground . Rafale & Eurofighter will b likely again TWO finalist .
It is most suitable fighter bomber which will cost half the cost of Rafale.
Well all look rosy picture but if we purchase tomorrow America will decide which war we should fight or not fight, and there will be restrictions for all or decision, Rafael is the best at present scenario as we have already procured 36 nos and Navy is order some 26 nos
Brahoms & Brahmos-NG is Indo-Russian Missile ,will US allow any of its 3 Fighter to integrate on it , all 3 are old design compare to Rafale & Euro Fighter (Both are Contemporary) Just Rebranding & making few changes will not have chances of Winning . after MRFA , US might think/Analyse that they fail to offer F-35 (India specific). Today i am saying US should withdraw all old F-Series Fighter jets offered in MRFA & should pitch for India specific F-35 if they want to take Indo-US Defence at Next Level.
Please read the news. Boing will integrate all indian arms. IAF will have to make final decision. So do not worry and We are sure they will make right decision.
i am talking about MMRCA & MRFA too .F-18 failed in MMRCA not meeting Parameters of IAF.i know what IN said. But Rafale M was having edge.(Rafale M can super cruise , can pull 11 G in emergency Rafale have delta wing which helps to perform manoeouvers weapon carrying capacity almost 9.5 ton with 13 hard points against 11 hard point for F-18 & in weapon package too From Metoer , Scalp & HAMMER .Most imp is it is capable of delivering Nulear weapons.
By the way A $200 millionS a peace only corrupt government will approve and buy it.
I love F15 EX. It's maximum speed, ability to carry number of weapons, range, design, and tech is awesome and makes it very desirable. However, we may not see IAF inducting those birds. Reason is simple, we already have Su-30Mk1 in that category and there will be compatibility issues with F15. It will cost extra $ billions to iron such issues.
Please compare the capabilties of Su-30MK1 and F-15E. You will surprised. IAF is not to happy with Su-30MK1 engine and going to spend $50mil per plane to upgrade. With this price we can buy new F-15E.
BEST-IN-CLASS and cheaper minus 5th gen. fighter jet of the world- F15EX jets will be cheaper than MK2 Tejas to manufacture in India really!!
why not 120 F-35, that might be cheaper
F35 will costs IAF $50,000 per sortie ops costs. BUT, F15EX might be much more cheaper say around $30,000 or so per sortie. Rafale F3R costs $15,000+ usd's per sortie.. And Tejas around $5000+ per sortie...
F-15 EX11 is capable but duplicative with our Su-30 MKIs, so IAF may not go for them…I suggest splitting MRFA in 2 parts - 1st 60 F-35As and 2nd 60 Rafale F4s, all in flyby condition, all delivered by 2030, while we focus on Tejas Mk2, and AMCA Mk1 to start production by 2030…Yes this will cost us $30Billion over 8 years but we have the money, can spend it and will give us both capability while we continue aatmanirbharta…
DOOOOOOD.... Tejas MK2 starts productions in year 2040+ only, and 4.5++ gen. AMCA MK1 will starts in 2050+ year; with 5th gen. AMCA MK2 starting in 2060+ year full scale productions... So, until den u wanna IAF to buy scrap Mirage2000-5 jets from around the world for 50 millions usd costs per jet dude??? Even MK1A HAL is still NOT delivered to IAF yet!!!
Boeing F15EX Eagle II is far better than F-35 fighter jet because F-35 fighter jet has engine problem.
F-35 has crash history in many times.
Boeing F-15 EX Eagle II is good for lAF.
YES!! F15EX is the ONLY option against J20's and J31's even J10D's of PLAAF now....
buying a 1970s jet in 2020s which will be fully inducted in 2030s and will be part of arsenal till 2080s ..Very good choice
F15EX is a TOTALLY new design new fbw new GaN AESA radars and latest of EW SPJ GaN avionics systems to make it a natural SEAD DEAD jets too!
F-18 failed to pass Technical eveluation rounds read article carefully.Latest news IN select Rafale M over F-18 in 26 Naval Tender .Deal may signed by year end
There is still no official statement from Government Sources whether which jet Navy selected and the order has never been placed, it’s all speculation .
Geopolitics won't allow that. Rafael is the only one which will win the mrfa, IF that deal happens. Only 36 jets doesn't make sense.
Rafale’s are bought for Pakistan, like how IAF uses MIG-29, they will use Rafale also, this is why they are ordering 26 Rafale-M’s, which gives us a total of 62, which is more than plenty for Pakistan and small skirmishes against China for now, so if they are buying MRFA jets then it will be the cheapest among the bunch to increase the squadron strength or Nothing at all, there is also a possibility of getting 2 additional squadrons of Rafale and cancelling MRFA, main reason is the price of the jet has to be <$149.5Mln in order to get 114 Rafale’s for $17Bln budget, is this possible remotely with even used Rafale’s, impossible, this is why IAF is doing Scrape Metal shopping. .
We keep making the wrong choices... Both the F16 and the F15 are the preferred aircraft by most air forces who can afford them. Let the air force decide, not the politicians or the armchair generals .. after all, our pilots are the ones whose lives are on the line...!
No point in buying this ancient 1970 model ,rather we opt for su 57 giving us 5th gen edge or we can go for f4 rafael as we already operate it and have infrastructure to support it

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